322 PotatoJenkins1

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joined 4.4 years ago

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Player Biography  

Hi. I am PotatoJenkins1. I am 17 years old, and I live in the United States. I love aviation and history, and I have a dream to become a pilot one day. My favorite plane is the F4U Corsair, and my favorite tank is the M1A1 Abrams.
I also make builds in SP.


-Make a good replica of the Corsair.
-Make a B-25 replica.
-Uh, Idk, make a autoturret or something?

Point Levels
Bronze: Achieved on November 18th, 2020.
Silver: Not yet achieved.
Gold: Not yet achieved.
Platinum: Not yet achieved.


Sporadically active.

Sometimes, I dream about cheese.

-unnamed rebel fighter, Half Life 2