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Special Announcement

6,450 Flewey  3.5 years ago

Hello everybody, Flewey here (previously know as LaBaguette, MajorSix).

Just a quick announcement to make. I have some good news and some bad news...

The bad news is, as of today, Major Industries has been disbanded and will no longer be producing any new vehicles. MI aircraft posted in the past will still be accessible, there just won't be any new ones.

The good news is the I have decided to open up a new line of aircraft and vehicles under the name of LaCarossant (la-car-oh-saun). I will not be hiring just yet, and I don't think that I ever will for LaCarossant, but don't fret, I'm very indecisive, and might change my mind. LaCarossant Aircraft will be posting it's first aircraft, the LaC-M70 soon enough. No sneak peek because I wan't to keep you all guessing. ;)

Anyway, that's all for today. Thanks for reading and happy building!