Indeed, I’ve seen it a few times after glitching the ocean away. One must wonder how it got there, and if there’s any secret in-game lore as to why it’s there. Either that or the devs are just tryna screw with us so we start conspiring, much like I am now. Damnit, they’re influencing us without us even realizing it!
The crater is about heading 051 degrees northeast towards the wright isles
Krakabloa, were you testing nuclear weapons again?
Indeed, I’ve seen it a few times after glitching the ocean away. One must wonder how it got there, and if there’s any secret in-game lore as to why it’s there. Either that or the devs are just tryna screw with us so we start conspiring, much like I am now. Damnit, they’re influencing us without us even realizing it!