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Propellers: Is the "Min" Input Control setting Broken/Non-Functional??

4,364 Formula350  3.5 years ago

So I wanted to setup my plane to have it function like real life...
Engine is off, propeller is stationary.
Engine is on, propeller is spinning at a low RPM.

Lucky for me, I don't have to figure out how to make some elaborate FunkyTrees code to do all of this, because all of this is apparently already there according to Overload editor!

I went about finding a minimum throttle % that would spin the prop fast enough visually, but not generate enough 'thrust' for movement; found it to be 10%

Went and selected my engine, Blade T1000 (aka Engine-Prop-5) was the one I had been using.
Went to the appropriate InputController in the drop-down.
Set activationGroup to 1, to function as the Ignition on/off.
Set min to 0.10 because... that's 10%
Set zeroOnDeactivate to true so that it would not 'lock' the throttle to whatever % I applied while flying. (already had found that out once before)

Clicked on the Checkmark to save it, and clicked Play.
Plane loads in.
I increase Throttle to make sure the engine is "off" like I wanted, and nothing happens, which is correct. So I throttle-back to 0%

I press AG1 aaaaand....

Nothing happens...??
I throttle-up, and it responds to that.
I increase Throttle to 10% manually, and it spins as though it's 10%.

Already-long-story short, after trying various things, I ultimately set min to 1, meaning both min and max are the same value.
Technically this SHOULD, by my understanding and experience, result in 100% throttle as soon as I activate AG1. OR at worst, result in manually moving the Throttle to 1% as resulting in being 100%.

Alas, no.
Activating AG1 does not result in engine revving to 100%
Moving Throttle to 1% does not make it suddenly become 100%, either.
For that matter, 10% is still only 10%...

In conclusion: min apparently does absolutely nothing for Throttle on propeller engines??
(And no, invertis set to False; 10% would not be 10% if that were the case.)

Engine configuration, for testing purposes (I wish our markdown's code block didn't suck so damn much...):

<Part id="578" partType="Engine-Prop-5" position="-0.1059229,3.303713,3.669387" rotation="-0.0001054408,2.205825E-07,45" drag="0.06707644,0.06707644,0,0,0,0" materials="12,14,14,14,-3" disableAircraftCollisions="true" scale="1,1,1" massScale="1.2" partCollisionResponse="Default">
<InputController.State activationGroup="1" invert="false" min="0.1" max="1" input="Throttle" zeroOnDeactivate="true" />
<InputController.State activationGroup="0" invert="false" min="-1" max="1" input="Disabled" />
<PropEngineAdvanced.State power="500" maxRpm="1750" propellerCount="2" diameter="1.8796" chordScale="2.666667" pitchControlType="Fixed" propellerPitch="0.6" propellerPitchScale="1" throttleControlType="Manual" reverseRotation="False" propellerType="Warbird" hubHeadScale="0.333,0.333,0.2" legacyCotPos="false" />

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    4,364 Formula350

    Yep this did the trick and functions just as I envisioned!
    Activate1 * (0.9 * Throttle + 0.1)

    3.5 years ago
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    4,364 Formula350

    Ah ok... Well ugh lol
    Shame it's not as user-friendly as I'd had hoped :(
    Thanks for the explanation @CenturyAerospace!
    Also for the clarification there @jamesPLANESii
    I'll give that a look as well @FeatherWing, thank you :)

    3.5 years ago
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    24.0k FeatherWing

    I got the correct code on my TA-78 AirShark's propeller if you want to copy it.

    3.5 years ago
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    @jamesPLANESii it was just quickly copy and pasted from one of my builds so I didn’t change it, hence why I said change the numbers to your liking

    3.5 years ago
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    @CenturyAerospace (You mean 0.1) Activate1 * (0.9 * Throttle + 0.1)

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    Unfortunately you will need to use funky trees but just use this and adjust the numbers to your liking

    Activate8 * (0.9 * Throttle + 0.05)

    Paste that into input and that should do the trick

    3.5 years ago
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    It is because the min value is supposed to be used for negative inputs. Set the input to VTOL or trim, and if you slide VTOL up all the way, the prop will run at the full 100% speed. But because you set the min to 0.1 instead of 0, the prop will spin, but only at 10% speed if you slide it all the way down, and if you kept it at the default value of 0, sliding the VTOL slider down all the way would not make the prop spin at all.

    And I say set the input to VTOL or trim because you can slide them both ways (-1,0,1, 0 being neutral, 1 being slid up all the way, and -1 being slid all the way down), whereas throttle is just one way (0, 1,) and if you move the throttle joystick (if you are on mobile) will just activate the brake, hope this helps!

    +4 3.5 years ago