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Is this a futile endeavor -- Are the ships "glued" to the water?

4,347 Formula350  3.4 years ago

So after finding out I could change the speed and course of a ship by tugging on it with a derpy helicopter, I had the notion that maybe... just maybe there was a chance that they could get airborne as well. That is, provided one goes full-Kerbal by throwing insane amounts of thrust at it...

My next step will be to try and make it VTOL, ditching the wings entirely since they've been problematic from the start. (note: they're 1,1,1 scale, made from only 2 wing panels per-side, in an effort to not cause issues with the games physics since it's a lift generating part.)
Alas. I'm beginning to wonder if it's not even possible, due to some curious mechanic in place?

EDIT: The wings finally ripped off around 11,000MPH.
But now I'm also curious if there's a current Landspeed Record in SP, or Waterspeed if we don't count the surface of the water in the same category?
I'd be happy to re-attempt this with all the XML values for Drag and Mass defaulted, if that sort of thing exempts you for qualifying (and would expect it does heh)

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    @Formula350 nope, they don’t disappear after being destroyed, as long as they stay above water. If you destroy it and thrust it into the air, it won’t despawn!

    Pinned 3.4 years ago
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    Yeah they are :/
    You have to "destroy" them to make them fly

    Pinned 3.4 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    So here's an interesting finding...
    You don't have to TOTALLY destroy the ship in order to "commandeer" it, and take it to the skies!
    All you have to do is get it to start the Sinking animation. :D
    Why is this at all interesting? Well, because you can take control of it AND still have it show up on Radar! heh

    Unfortunately, I think that in all cases of severe enough damage to cause it to begin sinking, that also entails giant flames and billowing smoke.
    While in certain cases this isn't totally a bad thing, such as ascending fast enough, or no doubt having enough forward momentum... But if you plan to attempt hovering, then you're going to have some visual issues. :\

    EDIT: Honestly, the most difficult part about this whole endeavor is finding the EXACT CENTER of the ship when destroying it. If your final shot isn't right at CoM, you're flying cockeyed...
    Too far forward, and the nose sinks, making you fly nose-down.
    Too far back, and the tail sinks, making you fly nose-up.
    Too far right, it lists to the right.
    Too far left, it lists to the left.
    I've had to come up with a jig that lowers an arm down into the water, which has a cannon attached to the end. But the cannon is facing straight up. Furthermore, the cannon isn't attached directly to the end of the arm, but offset at a specific distance, so that when it's lowered down, the cannon is firing on the ship's centerline.
    Why underneath? Simply because hitting it on the hull under the water-line means no fire/smoke ;)
    I've damn near got it, after lots of trial and error lol

    3.4 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    Thanks James and Awesome.
    Can confirm, after outfitting a max caliber stubby cannon to the front of my "parasite", and destroying the Tiny, it almost immediately took to the skies. :P
    And after a few minutes up there, it hadn't despawned, which was good.
    The wings already are a no-go, at least as I had designed them... so I think that if I were to re-design my "mounting" frame, I might be able to make it so the entire flight deck can be cleared and have this function as a literal flying aircraft carrier. Which, paired with the upcoming feature update, with Refueling... >:} mwahahaha

    3.4 years ago
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    @Formula350 I actually don't even know if they despawn under a certain depth. But yeah the definitely don't despawn when they're destroyed and above water 👍

    3.4 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    @jamesPLANESii Damn, that figures lol Good to know.
    Do they not de-spawn after destroying them?
    I always figured they did after a set amount of time after being flagged "destroyed"... but if it's set to only do it after a certain depth (altitude below sea level), then I would be motivated enough to give that a go! lol

    3.4 years ago