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[v1.11] Bug with CoT/CoM/CoL Indicator Lines

4,347 Formula350  3.2 years ago

The actual lines that branch off from the spheres, seem to be missing half of their uh... thickness? lol

To explain it in the only way I can, even though I'm almost sure they aren't actually textures...
Imagine a conventional Sprite. To make it "3D", 2 of them are overlayed atop each other, one rotated 90deg and so if you look at it from the top down it'd look like a + or x, yes?

The way the lines were in v1.10, that's how they looked. One line was overlayed atop the other, so that looking from all directions (except straight down), you could see a fat line.

Now, there's only the one line, so from one side it looks fine and you can actually see it.... But from the other direction, it's nigh invisible. (I actually CAN make it disappear, but that doesn't make for a good illustration screenshot lol)

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    4,347 Formula350

    @IceCraftGaming For me, all three behave the same. In my screenshot above, the itty-bitty line to the left of the one under "Front View" is the CoL.
    If your CoL/CoM/CoT aren't centered (X=0.000) then it means something in your build is further to one side than the rest. For CoT that's not too bad, you just have to check your engines, as I presume you have 2 of them?

    HOWEVER.... It just occurred to me that what you're describing MIGHT be something I also experienced a couple days ago...
    Did you by chance use the Mirror tool on some parts?
    Because I did, and my CoM was favoring one side (even though both sides were identical), which this is what had been causing my plane to taxi and fly towards the Right.
    Turned out that for whatever reason, the parts I mirrored came from the LEFT side, meaning that some of them on the right weren't registering their weight properly. I determined that when I started changing the "Dead Weight" I had applied to the parts. When I adjusted the Left side, the parts made CoM moved very little (due to having XML modified their mass scale). When I adjusted the SAME parts on the Right side, the CoM moved a ton and everything returned to normal.
    I had figured it was just because I hadn't shut down Simple Planes for a couple days -- yes, days, as I would minimize the game and put the computer to sleep. But, if you also noticed the odd shift after mirroring parts, it might be a legitimate (and different?) bug we've stumbled on. :)

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    36.2k Icey21

    actually... the com and the col is alligned but the cot is not

    3.2 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    I'm almost certain that they weren't always this way, not in v1.10.106 (the last ver I'd been using). Could I be mistaken? For certain, but I would definitely stake a sum of money on it heh
    (Now I regret not making a backup of SP before I.... Wait, I might, on my laptop... I'll try and check that later on,)

    To clarify how I perceived it (based on lots of time spent zoomed in on CoM, placing beacons scaled to 0.1,3,0.1): They WERE still flat, yes. But there were 2 flat 'lines' which overlapped, to allow you to rotate the camera and still be presented with roughly the same visual.
    When you viewed @ 90deg facing it, you'd be provided the flat side of one (like on the left), but the other one would be too thin to see and would leave the appearance of only one line.
    When you viewed @ 45deg, you'd see part of both, but both visually combined to make it look the same as 90deg. It'd look like 1 line until you zoomed in on the Co_ sphere WWWWWWWAY close. It's at that point I could start making out the overlap.

    I put forth this question: To those who thought they were this way previous to v1.11, are you by some small chance one who had been using this since its Beta became available had gotten used to this view?
    My take was that this occurred due to the upgrade build of Unity they used, as the actual colors of the lines are also not as vibrant (but is of no concern, overall).
    Another possible fix (IMO) would be that if it always has been one line visible, to have said line always face the camera - rotating only around the axis it's meant to portray.

    3.2 years ago
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    30.1k Nerfaddict

    And not only that
    The more zoomed in you are
    The thinner they are

    3.2 years ago
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    Yeah it's been like this for ages.
    It would be nice if the lines were a tad thinner but the same width no matter where you're viewing them from

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    2,762 Madness

    Always has been

    3.2 years ago
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    it's always been like that, i think they're at a 45 degree angle or something and we've just lived with it

    3.2 years ago
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    50.7k BeastHunter

    I have that bug also.

    3.2 years ago