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HOW TO ADD more color options???

1,456 Amirabadi  3.4 years ago


I downloaded this f-16 and I saw there like 20 or 30 more colors in the painting and I wonder how I can add these colors spots. if there is a solution for low color options please tell me.

does anybody know?
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    1,456 Amirabadi

    @Augusta81 yeah thanks others answer
    \thank you all fro responsibility

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    3.4 years ago
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    1,456 Amirabadi

    @Formula350 thanks

    3.4 years ago
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    4,364 Formula350

    @Amirabadi I don't specifically know the limits here, but I can at least get you started on the right track.
    First you need to know where your builds are Saved to. If you're on a Windows computer, that's easy for me to direct you. Copy the line below (do not change any of the text), then open up the Start Menu and press CTRL+V to paste it, then press Enter. That will open up the folder with all the save builds you have:


    Either scroll through the list to find the plane, or use CTRL+F and then type the name of it.
    Once you've found it, open it with Notepad (I can't promise something like WordPad will save it correctly)
    Either scroll to the bottom or press CTRL+END or search for "<Theme name="Custom">`, but it's at the end of the document so you can't miss it.
    Now the tricky part :D ... :\ lol You'll see a bunch of lines that start by saying <Material color= and each line is one of the colors you can use to paint your build.
    To ADD more, you just copy and paste full line under the last one (INCLUDING the spaces at the front).
    For example here's an entire line you can paste in multiple times, to add a Flat Black:

    <Material color="000000" r="0.0" m="0.0" s="0.0" e="0" />

    Now, how to change that color is where the real "fun" happens. You'll need to use either a website that has a Color Picker and outs "Hex Code" (Google has one built in to its website) OR you can use a drawing or photo editing program (like GIMP or Photoshop).
    For this, we'll assume you're using the Google one I linked ;)
    All "Hex Codes" start with # and contain 6 alphanumeric entries of 0-9 A-F. #000000 is solid black, and #FFFFFF is solid white, or #7E03AB which is a rich purple.
    But for what we're doing, you won't be needing the #, I just mention that so you know what to look for, although most everything else DOES need the # so if you try to convert from the game into that Google tool (or most other sites/programs) you'll need to add it for them to understand. (Ignore all the "RGB", "CMYK", "HSV", "HSL" stuff, as Simple Planes doesn't use that.)

    3.4 years ago
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    4,364 Formula350

    <PART 2>
    Lets use that Purple: 7E03AB
    The new line you'd add would be:

    <Material color="7E03AB" r="0" m="0" s="0" e="0" />

    Now to decipher the rest... The last 3 I know for sure are decimal values that get translated into Percentages:
    r="#" - This is the only one I'm not totally sure about. I think it refers to the "profile" it's using, and that it stands for "reflectivity". The values seem to only be 0, 0.15, or 0.3. Which I think translates to 0=Flat, 0.15=Semi-Gloss and 0.30=Glossy, but this honestly might be automatically set by the game based on what you set s= to, below.
    m="#" - This is how "Metallic" the paint is, and you replace # with any decimal (or either of these two whole numbers) from 0 (no metalicity), to 1 (fully metallic), where 0.50 is 50%
    s="#" - This is how "Smooth" it looks, and 0 = 0% and is "Flat", with 1 being 100% and "Mirror-Like", or a decimal of say 0.33 which is 33% and "Dull"
    e="#" - This is new, and is for "Emissive" aka "Glow in the Dark", or in other words the amount of "Light" it appears to emit -- but it's only a visual effect in SP, it doesn't really project light onto surfaces. 0 is "normal paint" so no glowing. 1 is "very luminous", and anything in between is a range of that. NOTE: this is dependent on the color you're using, so if it's Black or some other very dark shade of color, it will not glow!
    So setting it up like this:

    <Material color="7E03AB" r="0.00" m="0.50" s="1" e="1" />

    We'll have a Purple, which is fairly metallic, with a mirror-like finish in the daytime light, and at night will appear to glow bright-purple.

    All that's left for you to do is save your file. Open SP, load the plane (or if SP is still open, Load that plane so the changes are there in game). Open the Paint menu and the new color choice(s) will be present :D
    (This was actually a learning experience for me as well, I didn't know what would happen after adding a color, or how you accessed it lol)

    3.4 years ago
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    1,456 Amirabadi

    @PioneerThe2nd ok no prob thanks help me find this out

    3.4 years ago
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    1,456 Amirabadi

    @PioneerThe2nd ok can you help me i don't know about xml

    3.4 years ago
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    1,456 Amirabadi

    @PioneerThe2nd please help what should i do
    i have overload

    3.4 years ago