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Is it possible to turn jet engines into rockets?

2,622 BobDaBilder123  3.4 years ago

Is this possible? Or should I just stick a propeller in a tube and make it super powerful?

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    @BobDaBilder123 scale it down, and attach it to something you can nudge it into to hide it.

    3.4 years ago
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    @Stinkypinky yeah power isn’t the problem, the inlet is cuz there’s nowhere to put it

    3.4 years ago
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    You can theoretically. You have to change the control settings.

    Min stays 0, max which is usually 1, changes to 0.01. Then you change power setting to 100 x whatever thrust you want.

    You still need an inlet though

    3.4 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    You can make them act like rockets via editing ‘max’ in the inputcontroller in overload. With a high engine power and max set below 1 you can get a quick accelerating engine. For a slow accelerating engine, you can decrease engine power and raise max. Do note that changing max will affect fuel consumption accordingly.

    3.4 years ago
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    No, but you can stick a missile/rocket with a detacher on it in a box, and increase the max speed and range/burn time/launch force to whatever you want through overload. Just press whatever action group you have on the detacher set to and watch as you shoot into the sky. Make sure to attach the back of the detacher to wherever you want the rocket to be.

    +2 3.4 years ago