300 Duckw0rthplanes

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joined 7.1 years ago

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Been playin this game for 5 years. Started off playin’ with the kindle fire version lmao.

Remember when you had to make missiles using detachers set to 100 and structural wings?
And this newfangled thing called a “rotator” was used to make propeller blades with VTOL nozzles on the ends of ‘em?
Or when XML modders were touted as Gods amongst men, like the great Hypnotoad? (R.I.P.)
DuckWorth Aerospace remembers (most of it).
‘Twas a simpler time, with simpler planes that didn’t have over 1000 parts.

DuckWorth Aerospace strives to make planes that are fun to fly, and mobile friendly. (Most of the time, anyways.)