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[FT HELP PLEASE] Is there a "cleaner" way to code this?

4,364 Formula350  3.4 years ago

OK So as I was typing a post to ask for help on how to code this, I had my EUREKA! moment and managed to figure it out just as I was about to hit Submit.. :D But that left me wonder, given the troubles I have wrapping my head around math and coding, if perhaps there was a more elegant or simpler (cleaner) way to have done this?

What I'm tackling is Rolling induced by Yaw (Rudder), to counter-act the roll by applying a tiny bit of Aileron input only during Yaw events; otherwise, it passes along the Roll input.
(This counter-roll gets applied to the opposite wing to the side I'm "turning" towards, which is why it's a negative-value being multiplied against.)

LEFT WING: Roll>0 | Roll<0 ? Roll : (Yaw>0 ? Yaw * -0.055 : 0)
RIGHT WING: Roll>0 | Roll<0 ? Roll : (Yaw<0 ? Yaw * -0.055 : 0)

(I had tried to use clamp, but ... we won't even get into the mmmmassive failure that resulted in! lol)

TL;DR - There any way to simplify that code? It works as needed, but even to me it just looks ham-fisted... :}

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    16.5k edensk

    L: Roll - (Roll=0 ? clamp01(Yaw)*0.055 : 0)
    R: Roll + (Roll=0 ? clamp01(-Yaw)*0.055 : 0)

    Pinned 3.4 years ago
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    4,364 Formula350

    Yep, that did it! Does exactly the same thing as mine now but shorter!
    Thanks :D
    (Although, as to why adding the outer parenthesis solved that issue, is definitely beyond me! lmao)
    I've pinned the functional code and am leaving this line of text to hopefully avoid confusion, should anyone read the comments :P

    3.4 years ago
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    16.5k edensk

    forgot the parentheses lol

    3.4 years ago
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    4,364 Formula350


    L: Roll - Roll=0 ? clamp01(Yaw)*0.055 : 0
    R: Roll + Roll=0 ? clamp01(-Yaw)*0.055 : 0

    Now it ends up canceling out Roll from working, period lol
    ... And also makes the Aileron move in the opposite direction :}
    Though, I can't even figure out how that manages to even react with Yaw with that code, given from what I can tell the "IF" part is looking solely for Roll related Input, and the "THEN" is the performing of Yaw-based stuff. EDIT: Nevermind, makes sense now. "IF there is no Roll input" "Then, do this if Yaw is present"
    EDIT 2: The Aileron being just a lack of Negative in front of the decimal value.
    The "ELSE" being zero explains the lack of any Roll input getting applied, and I presume that it should be : Roll instead of : 0?
    EDIT 3: Nope, I'm a derp! That wouldn't work since the "IF" part means it never will make to the "ELSE" part lol

    3.4 years ago
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    16.5k edensk

    @Formula350 Oh I see, edited it so it works like yours

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    4,364 Formula350

    @rexzion lol Yea me too :sob: I know enough to kludge together code and get it working (usually...), but I don't actually know the more-advanced stuff that would let me properly get it done.

    @edensk Yep I never would've came up with that result.
    However, while using yours DOES yield functional results, it actually doesn't produce identical results as mine. (as determined through using DebugExpressions)

    Situation A:

    YAW Left = 0.055
    ROLL Left = -1
    YAW Left + ROLL Left = -0.945
    MY CODE:
    YAW Left = 0.055
    ROLL Left = -1
    YAW Left + ROLL Left = -1

    Situation B:

    YAW Left = 0.055
    ROLL Right = 1
    YAW Left + ROLL Left = 1.055
    MY CODE:
    YAW Left = 0.055
    ROLL Right = 1
    YAW Left + ROLL Right = 1

    I only mention that because I was intending to also apply this to the Tail Elevators and they would require significantly more compensation applied than just 0.055, to adjust for the amount of Nose-Down that occurs. Which would actually lead to a situation where if I were applying Yaw+Pitch, my Elevator's input would either be far less-than its max, or far over its max. (depending on whether I'm pitching up or down)
    It's the latter situation that would be of concern, since it could result in those Elevator flaps stalling-out.
    BUT! All examples of functional code like you provided is actually really helpful for me, since I learn better through examples than I do being giving explanations for how to use stuff and trying to get it working. :D

    3.4 years ago
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    45.1k rexzion

    honestly when i make ft code i just add stuff til it works somewhat as intended and i don't touch it again in fear of breaking everything

    +1 3.4 years ago