I've used Designer Suite for years now. I think I got it a while before it went public and I've enjoyed it ever since. It has it's problems but it's mostly bearable.
The update some time ago dropped and the game got it's own vanilla stuff like integrated part nudging and connection editor but I've never gotten used to them. I don't like how they work (except for the "Connected Parts" nudging which I often find it useful when mass nudging parts), and would use FineTuner and Designer Suite instead of their vanilla counterpart.
It used to be just a few problems. For example when making new connections, you sometimes have to nudge the part away from everything else or it'll select the wrong part or the part itself. Ever since 1.11 or the beta version dropped, the issue gone worse by it happening every time I try to add connections.
I don't know which version but this current update just straight up broke my favorite feature which is part highlight when it's connected. This update broke Designer Suite and I don't think the author would ever fix it because he said it himself that the mod is obsolete. I don't feel that way and I'm sure some other people feel the same way. DesignerSuite's connection editor is way better than it's vanilla counterpart. It visualizes the connection better and way more convenient to remove connections, along with all the other features.
Apart from that, the PC version now got the mobile version camera syndrome where orthographic view is now broken. I had to use the vanilla blueprint 3 view button and then the camera would get stuck in orthographic view, requiring me to restart the designer to fix. Couldn't enjoy building like I used to anymore. I just want DesignerSuite to be functional again without all these bugs.
Unrelated but the game would break if you change the unit of measurement and enter the level.
Thank you very much! I think I'm going insane from this lol
@Formula350, thanks for sharing your thoughts!
You should definitely give DesignerSuite's connection editor a try! It highlights the parts it's attached to, as well as where the part is attached by a green line. You can quickly disconnect a part by right clicking the highlighted part (way, WAY faster compared to vanilla ones especially when dealing with lots of connection points).
I also really like the fact that I have two nudges so I can save myself from changing the numbers constantly. The "nudge connected part" feature is an absolute godsend when creating a set like aircrafts flying in formation or a diorama.
The period trick is just an old habit of mine, I think I've gotten used to it lol
Ran out of message space lmao C'est la vie....
Was going to end with this:
(Note: there are lots of vanilla actions you can perform which will not trigger the auto-save/creation of an undo point, but using Nudge is the quickest way to initiate it. I either nudge, or just clone a part to a random empty area, and delete it. Still, not fool proof.)
Also, @exosuit thankfully you only need to use the "period" trick in these comments. Forum posts and Shared builds allow you to use conventional line-breaks with the Return key. Though I suspect maybe this had been a comment that you decided to transform into a dedicated post, and thus had Cut-and-Pasted it here. :P
I'm the same. I prefer the Fine Tuner mod over the in-built variant; however, after I only recently found out the in-built version lets you "Nudge Selected+Connected", that's pretty handy...... when it works....... It's hard to know what Grand-Parent", "Parent", and "Child" parts are, and which one you need to have selected in order for all the other ones to nudge with it. As a result, I often end up having to REMOVE connections from the main build in order to make it so whatever I have selected will move everything no matter which is the actual parent. (Unless there's a "next connected part" cycler hotkey I don't know about that works similar to going "Forward" or "Backwards" along fuselage pieces...)
I mean it saves a lot of time from having to manually select every part of a section, but that's only when it works as you want/need! lol
I've never used the DesignerSuite connection editor though, but it sounds like I really ought to give it a go...
As mentioned, the Scale feature on Fine Tuner is one of the reasons I can't drop using the mod. The other is "Multi-Select". That is just too powerful to do without, and I simply don't understand why either of those didn't make it in.
Another big reason that keeps me using it, is the much better and smaller interface. The vanilla menu is way too big, and without the ability to... well lol "Fine Tune" the UI to suit our own personal desires and screen size, it ends up being too scrolly for me.
HOWEVER I do still use the vanilla Nudge! In actuality, I love that I have TWO nudges now. I leave vanilla set to 0.01, and then Fine Tuner mod set to 0.001 for defaults. :P Now if only using vanilla Rotate-by-90 didn't randomly Auto-Connect nearby parts, I'd be able to use that more, too!
But yea, I made a similar post, albeit about things to add into the mods, to skip the red-tape of adding it right into the game. Similar community support, but didn't gain any traction with WNP (and HellFire didn't chime in). :(
The biggest UGH of all, is that not even the "Now Vanilla" features apply their actions to the Undo History... -_-
Change a connection point, only to have it removed at a later Undo.
Adjust a part's rotation, only to have it reverted at a later Undo.
Make a bunch of changes to a Text Label... (or Input; anything that uses the underlying TextMesh Pro Unity plugin)
I'm sure adding/changing Variables result in their changes being deleted as well, if you happen to Undo later.
I agree. The way Designer Suite does everything is head and shoulders better than the in-game stuff.
i literally cannot make replicas anymore cus blueprints feature completely broke and im not in the beta just 1.11 update
Just opt out of beta. Devs have been notified of this problem, and hopefully it will be remedied in the next beta.
@exosuit you can change the "reset" button for zoom mod with "00 mod settings" it's probs just on ctrl by default
I haven't tested zoom with ocean mod since ocean mod will crash my game after 1.11
@117Destroyerz it's quite sad that mods break when the game gets more updates but I can understand it's just how it works (except if it gets a fix)
Another example would be the Freecam mod by CarnationRED (the version 1.0 one). It's FOV control is smoother even though it resets every time you press ctrl but now it breaks Ocean mod.
while I don't have the other issues like you I did randomly get a bug where when designer suite mod is enabled I can't see the box around text labels, there wasn't even an update to the game it just randomly started happening
whenever one of the mods gets added to the game they always leave out a few crucial features that mean you need to keep the mod installed (for example finetuner mods scale tool)
I still use designersuite for it's better blueprint controls and being able to save multiple presets, plus the connection tools are better