I never really thought about it until now, but i think it would be interesting to see (for example) an F-14 thats prop powered, or an su-27, but it must be mobile friendly and it must be based off of a real jet, and good luck to those who accept. When your done make sure you post the link in the comments of this post.
@Formula350 Maximum altitude and maximum speed become increasingly challenged as bypass ratio increases, but there are methods to counter this. For instance, combat aircraft use afterburners (which benefit greatly from bypass air) to increase both altitude and speed.
Obviously extreme bypass engines arent suitable for afterburning, but there may be other design tricks that can assist them in achieving higher speeds.
@Formula350 wow those aircraft are very interesting, and the biplane/triplane thing has got to be the strangest thing i have ever flew lol, very nice though.
@AeroAeroTheMen i would say the modern era would be completely different lol
I very much enjoy this sort of What-If with aircraft :) Not only "backwards", propelling modern with props, but also with modernizing the old with more modern parts!
Back almost two decades ago when I learned about "Turbo Props", my immediate thought was "How cool would it be to shoehorn one of them into something like a P-51?!". Wouldn't be until much later that I'd learn people have done such things :D
@F104Deathtrap Makes me wonder what the top speed potential is on Ultra-High Bypass Fans.
On that note: SHAMELESS PLUG TIME lol
Here's my Alternate Reality ""SR-71"" with said Ultra-High Bypass Fans
Also a 1917 de Bruyere. "C.1" that I ran with his design and updated into what I dubbed the "xC.2".
(I have a much larger "C.3" in the works too, but the recent update sidetracked me... considerably... haha)
I remember building a modern fighter esque plane that has props on its rear but the build has gone in time.
@CrimsonOnigiri I never said that you had to build from scratch, so i would be completely fine with that
@F104Deathtrap Да, the propellers do indeed limit speed, there is no pratical reason for it but it would still be cool.
That would look cool! I'm bad at making low part planes or replicas though... I'll try re-using my old build
Many modern propeller aircraft use turbo-prop engines, which are related to jet engines. Likewise, most modern jets have turbofan engines which feature large, propeller-like fans.
But I understand your question to mean "wouldnt it look cool if modern high speed aircraft featured prominent, exterior propellers"
It is important to keep in mind that all propeller aircraft are limited to subsonic speeds unless diving steeply.