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Project Geile Katze [BUILD LOG #2]

9,320 Yoshimi  3.3 years ago

T to be tagged

Build is posted next week

This is the second visual build log of my current WIP, the Sonderkraftfahrzeug 234, also known as the Puma. This build log covers everything between the first build log and the finished product.

Where were we?
At the end of last build log we already had quite some things figured out and the build was already looking decent. There was still a lot of work to be done however. The main things had to do with detailing and making a nice performance model. The full list can be found in the previous build log.

Step 0: Adding a name
The first thing I decided to do was add a big old name decal to this build reading "Geile Katze". I wanted to do this in a nice old Germanic font, so I had to do quite some handy work. If you want more insight in how I did this I recommend you to take a look in the designer once I upload next week.

I am happy with how the letters themselves look but overall I don't feel like it quite fits the build. Also it's not historical. That's why I will later remove this decal.

Step 1: Cargo spaces
First off it was time to add the cargo spaces below the fenders. These add a lot of texture and make the boring flat surface quite interesting.

These little racks aren't functional or anything, they're just for decoration.

Step 2: Headlights and mirrors.
I decided to start by adding some detail to the front fenders, namely a pair of headlights and mirrors. These were accurately replicated using blueprints and 3D models.

Step 3: Jerrycans
Next I added a set of jerrycans that were historically often placed here. Often people use the stock fuel blocks for the little cross on the sides, but this is a pet peeve of mine, so I just made them myself using fuselages. Since these jerrycans are universal for most WWII German military vehicles I can also use them on future builds.

Step 4: Rear fender detail
This is kind of a big step, but it can be divided into 3 main parts.
First off I added some boxes to the rear fenders. Second off I added the tools and finally I added the exhausts to the back. This was a lot of work, but it really adds loads of detail and character. On the Puma both sides are quite asymmetrical when it comes to what's on the fenders, which is pretty interesting.
Here is the left side.

The right side.

And a nice shot from the rear showing the exhausts.

Step 5: Rethinking the project
Okay so in this step I kinda throw the entire project around a bit. This has a few reasons. First off I was kind of struggling with the MG42, and after that I'd also have to make the 2 cm and I really wasn't looking forward to that. Open top vehicles are just way harder to make than closed top.
How lucky are we that the Sd.Kfz. 234 also has a version with a closed top? That's right, the 234/2. It's armed with a 5 cm L/60 KwK 39, the same gun as mounted on later Panzer III's. It's also infamous in Warthunder.
This vehicle should be a lot easier to make since I don't have to (fully) make the MG42 and Flak 38 and the rest of the turret interior. Besides the turret everything is identical between the 234/1 and 234/2, so I don't even have to redo any work that I already did.
The following steps will be great for anyone making a closed turret for a tank.

Step 6: Shape of turret
So the first step is of course to set out the rough shape of the turret. This was surprisingly easy to do on this vehicle, since the rounded part can be made with a big cut fuselage in the middle. The other sides are a bit of panelling, but not too bad.

This is where I had a long break (6-9 months) in this project and started new projects, the KV-1E, a modern frigate, drinking tea, a nazi UFO, a monitor, shoplifting, an anime girl, a modern MBT, warcrimes, a modern APC, a n*ger, a WWII destroyer and a Panzer III. So pretty basic stuff. After all this I picked the project back up.

Step 7: Historical reference
Historical reference can often be a great source of motivation and inspiration for me. I saw this one picture of a historical Panzer Lehr Puma and I wanted to make it and finish this project. The picture was of Sd.Kfz. 234/2 432 of the Panzerlehr Division.

Step 8: Turret detail
Sadly I didn't take that many screenshots for this step, so I kind of have to condense some things. In this step I made the hatches for the crew, the view ports and periscopes, and the mantlet and barrel. The mantlet was made a lot easier with the fuselage cutting update.

After these I also added the coaxial machine gun to the mantlet and some smoke launchers.

Step 9: Muzzle brake
I feel like in the past I could've written an entire forum on how to seamlessly circular panel muzzle brakes, but nowadays with the help of fuselage slicing it's just very easy and part efficient.

Step 10: Performance
I used this build to explore quite some things I wasn't familiar with when it comes to performance.
First off the engine performance. Since I usually use Tracks_2 I don't really have to deal with this. I wrote some code for the engine and tweaked it around a bit, and I think it works nicely.
I also wrote a script that limited wheel rotation at higher speeds so it's more controllable.
Custom suspension and tweaking it is also new to me. I already did most of the work in the previous build log, but I did have to tweak it in the end.
The guns needed realistic accurate performance, in terms of RoF, recoil etcetera.
Now the final thing is the gun laying. With the new update this is very interesting, since you can aim guns using your view. This works with variables, and I don't want to get into it too much, since it would get confusing. Anyhow I'm really happy about how this system turned out.

Step 11: Finishing up
There are some things that you only need to do at the very end of your project. This includes removing drag, improving HP of parts, turning off collisions were needed and bug fixing.
The easiest way to bug fix is to just play test the vehicle until you run into a problem. Having others playtest for you also often unveils new bugs.
Finally of course you also need to make nice screenshots and write a good description for your upload.

Final Notes
-If you thought this forum post was useful or cool please upvote it :)
-T for tag
-As I said before I will upload this end of next week
-I have 2 other main projects going on. One is a huge Panzer III project that you might well know about. The other is a different Panzer. You might see some things about this project in the future.
-Thanks for reading through all this, can't believe you made it. Comment "Panzer vor" if you read all of it.
-I hope you found some of my information and methods useful and I hope you learnt something
-If you have any questions feel free to ask them.

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    If its less then 700 parts then T

    3.3 years ago
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    12.4k goxictamer88


    3.3 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion


    +1 3.3 years ago
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    3.3 years ago
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    23.8k LarryTad


    3.3 years ago
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    3.3 years ago
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    900 RYZ3N


    3.3 years ago
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    50.8k BeastHunter


    3.3 years ago
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    35.0k WarHawk95

    I want that MG42 subassembly

    3.3 years ago
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    26.7k Bryan5


    3.3 years ago
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    23.1k KudaOni


    For tank

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    @X4JB oh my bad

    +2 3.3 years ago
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    9,320 Yoshimi

    @FairFireFlight I said I built a Panzer III.

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    This is where I had a long break (6-9 months) in this project and started new projects, the KV-1E, a modern frigate, drinking tea, a nazi UFO, a monitor, shoplifting, an anime girl, a modern MBT, warcrimes, a modern APC, a n*ger, a WWII destroyer and a Panzer III. So pretty basic stuff. After all this I picked the project back up.

    you built a WHAT

    +4 3.3 years ago