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Birds of Prey

51.5k ShinyGemsBro  3.3 years ago

The skies were clear. We all saw it happen from the ridge and tower.
Bingo, all alone, flew ahead to meet the 109. We all called him insane. That 109 was the more advanced variant. It moved better, shot better, and recovered quicker. All of us thought Bingo was gonna die up there

But that son of a gun, by the devil's or God's grace, won the duel. An inferior fighter that had an engine no stronger than what the navy had on their birds..

No one can ever conclude whether that air victory was done out of pure luck, or something else helped him win. Regardless, he saved our asses..

The remaining bandits turned tail when they saw or realized their flight lead's gone.. They probably thought we were gonna hurl more fighters at them, but we didn't, cause most of what we had underwent repairs.. Only Bingo and a few other chaps were good for flying..

If he lost that fight, I wouldn't even be here talking.