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Is it me, or has the AI gotten WORSE at flying after v1.11??

4,364 Formula350  3.3 years ago

I've been testing out a build, seeing if having Cannon's variable for partCollisionResponse set to None would still damage other planes, but not your own, since the rounds DO explode still when they hit the ground... [SPOILER: they do NOT still damage other planes when set to None... womp womp...]

And I watched:

  • 3 of my own builds crash into the water on approach to Wright Isles North Runway
  • The Bomber and Tanker crash the same way
  • 1 player build crash on approach to Wright Runway
  • The Twin Prop parked on the beach off to the right of Wright Runway, directly across the Runway from the Control Tower
  • The same Twin Prop that... initially I thought they added a new AI spawn location, but in hindsight I'm pretty sure it actually CRASHED into one of the new Hanger (this is why we can't have nice things), off to the left of Wright Runway... Once again, just chillin' out....

.... And now this crazy scene, at -- you guessed it -- Wright Island, on a mountain that the Canyon Run passes through (North Runway is just over the ledge on the right)

Probably thought he was in the STOL Bush Plane...
Poor guy, still trying to "pull up", too...
Can someone notify Twin Props' next of kin?? lol

(For anyone curious, as for how the new Twin Prop is managing to pull off these crashes, is because all of the plane's parts have disableAircraftCollisions set to False -- except for the propellers obviously -- for whatever reason. So it crashes but doesn't explode/break apart.)

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    4,364 Formula350

    @MashMallow A few of the ones it likes to spawn that are user-made (or mine), like to do that on my game, too. I wasn't sure if that was as characteristic of the AI, or the Plane though.
    (sometimes the planes are borderline unstable just by design and the AI applies too much of counter-adjustment, causing it to really become unstable; thus, either behaving oddly or outright crashing)
    It's good to hear it isn't just me seeing that.

    @Datcha lmao Pretty much, yes! Though, I believe the technical term for that is: "totally shitfaced drunk"
    (which now that I actually think about the word, "shitfaced" is definitely an odd choice to describe a level of inebriation... hahah)

    3.3 years ago
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    Yes i think it gotten worse cuz when i try my planes to AI they just rolling over going down and crash

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    They might have I don't notice anything different

    3.3 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    Its like the ai was drunk and than got drunk

    +2 3.3 years ago
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    38.2k V

    While I find no difference in normal gameplay, the Opponent position in AI races is completely broken

    3.3 years ago
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    4,364 Formula350

    @PioneerThe2nd They fly for me, don't get me wrong. Banking, turning, the occasional one getting stuck in and endless loop-de-loops session...
    Some do fine landing at Wright Runway, too.
    But the North Runway, I've yet to see one succeed, they all seem to nose dive straight into the drink right before the runway, as if their map coordinates for that runway is off lol
    I don't know how often the others crash into land/ocean though, since they weren't configured to be indestructible like Twin Prop oddly was... so they 'splode or sink, getting rid of any trace of the crash since their transponder goes dark.

    3.3 years ago