Use this document instead of the other simplecheats since it is updated for the latest versions of SP
link to SimpleCheats II
want to suggest an addition, report an error, or just add general feedback?
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@ThomasRoderick fixed
attribute for parts. Seems to be an error given the description ofcalculateDrag
compared the two.@ThomasRoderick I tested it and added it to the list.
@ThomasRoderick I'll test this when I get a chance, thanks for the suggestion
attribute for missiles.When set to true allows the missile to still function after contacting water surface; otherwise it will be rendered a dud.
Cj dies
@PlaneFlightX Noted. Seems that 1 missile explosionScale still equals to 350mm of explosionScalar, though.
p.s.: pretty sure I confused the two because they have the same particle effects.
@ThomasRoderick well turns out by other projects I meant spend 1 hour updating SimpleCheats with form submissions and other stuff, so I added your stuff as well. About
, I found that only cannons use it now; everything else uses explosionScale.@Kendog84 I tested lookBackTranslation but it doesn't remain after I close Overload (I also tried lookBackTranslationX and lookBackTranslationY).
@ThomasRoderick I want to work on some other projects right now, but I'll add everything you think of tomorrow.
to infinity anymore. Arbitrarily large numbers are still okay, though. Glass parts have an actual health of about 1% of the nominal value (aka if you want a glass part to function like a normal part with 300hp you need to set its health to 30000).explosionScale
attribute; other missiles use theexplosionScalar
attribute. A missile part withexplosionScalar
set to "1" is about equivalent to a 350mm cannon part withexplosionScalar
set to "1".autoOrient
attribute is set to "true", redefines the "up" direction for the gyro to the "up" direction of the main cockpit. Otherwise the gyro would try to orient the craft to the gyro's own "up" direction.autoOrient
attribute is set to "true", redefines the "up" direction for the camera to the craft's "positive" direction (up and/or forward), generally useless. not the same asautoCenterCamera
, which is a lot more useful.@ThomasRoderick Updated
@PlaneFlightX Thanks!
is set to "true" it simply hides the entire engine, leaving only the prop and the spinner.activationGroup
attributes; all weapons (guns, rockets, bombs, torps, missiles) can use FunkyTree AG (aka the same as InputController AG), but countermeasures can only use integer AG.@ThomasRoderick Updated detacher info
@ThomasRoderick It's the one linked here.
attributed is pretty much how high you can set the detach force/impulse through the UI. Note that thedetachForce
isn't linear with the UI setting but rather proportional to the square of the UI setting, so setting the detachForce to 50% gets you 25% of the detacherMaxUiForce..
Soooo... where do I see the updated version again?
@ThomasRoderick Thanks, they have been updated.
So... a few more documentations:
attribute means the piston would not detach from the attached object no matter what, whereas disabling it would cause it to drop attached objects when it's too heavy or when the piston encountered too much resistance.multiplier
(not "multiplyer", because that's how the English language rolls) attribute means how many degrees the indicator/gauge face rotates when the input value changes by "1".@ThomasRoderick Thank you, I have tested and updated that attribute.
@Kikikokikomarumaru15000 Thank you, I have updated that attribute and listed you as a contributor.
the copyable link is to the deprecated version and im too lazy to fix it right now
Ok once I get a chance I'm adding control surfaces because I kinda needed that Info and it wasn't in the doc
@BlackZero I'll work on SimpleCheats 2nd edition once I'm familiar with SP2's XML attributes
@V will there be a new list coming up?
flashSpace options are now "Local" and "World", not "Local" and "Global". The "World" flash particles' velocity are zero relative to the world instead of the particles following the craft. If you create a rapid fire cannon with flashSpace "World", the particles will make a trail like a smoke.