So, I have a text.
And I want it to display a target's distance(in nmi, which is m/s divided by 1852) when a target is selected, and when it's not selected, it displays nothing. And, the distance is displayed only on 2,1 digits.
So my current funky tree is:
{TargetSelected ? TargetDistance/1852;00,0 : "!"} (the exclamation mark is for the sign if it's working or not)
But, it didn't work.
If you're asking why I asked, I'm making a c-scope radar display with texts.
Please help.
@FeatherWing I was talking about the radar c-scope thing I do not know about lol.
I can only speak one or two words of Japanese...
@FeatherWing The first time I was called over here a month ago, I understood the problem. Now you spoke Japanese and I do not know what you are talking about.
Ik about that
I just wanted to try something else
@PlaneFlightX @hpgbproductions
One problem with what you two said is that the C-scope doesn't display target distance/range, only the direction it is relative to the radar.
Use alpha to hide elements you don't want to use
<alpha=#{TargetSelected ? "FF" : "00"}>
Add leading zero
{TargetDistance/1852 < 9.95 ? "0" : ""}
Writes the target distance with 1 d.p.
{TargetDistance/1852 ;F1}
Good practice to close style tags when you're done with them
Text after
is for format specifiers, there should only be one letter and 1-2 digits@PlaneFlightX
Oh ok :(
I guess back to dot as target then :(
Labels don't support a hybrid of displaying a string and a funky code. What I mean is the boolean selector you've got there is using one string (when it's off), and a funky trees expression when it's on. I would say have the label on a piston which extends when the system is turned on. Have the label itself always display the target's distance.