Do you build on the left or right side of your machine before mirroring parts over?
This is very important
When I started SP, I did the right side first. At some point, I mysteriously switched to building the left side first.
Only posted this because of my sudden habit change that I never thought about for years
Edit 22.06.23: I accidentally did right side parts first
Edit 22.07.29: It's important to mention that as the tutorial teaches you with the right side, and as the default camera position when the designer is loaded is on the right, it becomes more likely that a new player will start on the right side.
@hpgbproductions Simpleplanes lore? (AndrewGarrison after seeing it): WRITE THAT DOWN, WRITE THAT DOWN!!
@ToeTips left side builders stray from the teachings of Andrewism, which famously teaches building on the right side. Legend has it that they are possessed by the will of the Kraken, the demon of this world.
Damn... You just made me learn something about myself, I usually (most times) use the left side but on my latest build I used the right side predominantly, mirroring and adding details to both as I went on. Does that mean anything particular?
@OrderlyHippo yeah, mirroring the whole plane always breaks stuff, as compared to mirroring parts which only sometimes breaks stuff
I actually never even mirror the whole plane, just parts of it. But right side is the right side so I use the right side, the best side.
@ReinMcDeer front to back every time
for me too it's wherever my camera wants to go, and where it's most comfy based on the camera's and creation's position
usually right, but more often than not it's kind of random.
I'd switch from right to left, then to the right again sometimes.
Usually on the right side
Usually left.
But do you build from front to back or back to front?
I tend to build the middle side.
I literally always started from the right side
I don't know, but I find it more comfortable to build custom wings
I use the right side. After I do the initial mirror, I add details from random sides.
i use both sides but mostly the left
Usually left when building the basic shape but right for details