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[Teaser] The Falcon soars!

24.0k FeatherWing  2.9 years ago

Hello Simpleplanes community.
Here's a teaser for the semi-fictional RAF version of the FR.1 Falcon that I made a bit ago, which is my most recent build.
However, this time, and the first time I've done this, the build comes with different versions/variants of the original!

For anyone who doesn't know different RAF aircraft and their liveries, here they are as follows:

RAF Day Fighter (main version), serving with No. 504 Squadron (Falcon FR Mk.1B)
RAF Prototype version (Yellow underside) (Falcon 1).
RAF Night Fighter (Lamp black), serving with No. 125 squadron (Falcon NF Mk.1).
RAF Photo Reconnaissance (PR Blue), serving with No. 682 squadron (Falcon PR Mk.1).

I still have some work to do. As far as I'm concerned, all the other versions are done apart from the PR one, which is still missing its camera equipment.
Also, for anyone asking, the Night Fighter version doesn't have 3 drop-tanks. Only the one on the centerline is an actual drop-tank. The other two mounted on the wings are for holding electronics relating to the radar. You can see the same set-up on the experimental NF Typhoon, R7881.

Hopefully, this will be ready for release soon. I'll also think about doing a trailer video with all versions included when I'm finished. No promises though.
(Also, don't question the odd propellers on the 3 sub-variants, the AI does that crap, probably because of resizing or something...).