15.1k LtSaturn

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joined 4.4 years ago

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Hi, I'm Saturn. I build stuff, i guess.
Message me on discord for inquiries.


[All pending got deleted after i reformatted my phone.]
Pontiac LeMans - Published
Mack Cruiseliner - Pending Upload
Mack Scenicruiser - No Progress
Mack RS700 - Published
BMP-1 - Published
Kirovets K700 - No Progress
Pontiac TransAm Firebird - 90%
Scania 112H - Published

Welcome to Saturn Used Autos! We sell cars, CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP? CHEAP!!


Former Unmarked Pontiac Lemans, stripped it from its police components and sold it on my lot, need to get it out of my lot ASAP so... 4,000$ and its yours!
Pontiac LeMans

a used Mack RS700 truck owned by the legendary RubberDuck! Get it here for a cheap price of 13,000$! (It includes the trailer.)
Used RS700

A used car that i sto-... Found on the side of the road! Picked it up and gave it a makeover! Very comfortable landyacht from the 60s, an El Paso! Only for 9,000$!
El Paso

A nice and comfortable motor home that could sell for over 200,000$!! Though, this RV has some criminal record involving in... Drug related business. Buy it here for 4$ and a cheeseburger!
Fleetwood Bounder

It's a BMP-1, known for its rugged design and versatility. This bad boy has seen some action but still has plenty of life left. Inside, it can carry a squad of infantry safely. They even have firing ports to keep them engaged. The Gun is totally deactivated AND the ATGM is decoration! Get it here for 75,000$!

Previously known as TirpitzWantsPlanes, SaturnBuildsStuff, SaturnUsedAutos, Gaystripe