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Thermals/Air Convection In Simpleplanes:

28.0k TheFlightGuySP  2.8 years ago

Thanks to @WormWithLegs for information about SetWindSpeed vectors.

So, after asking some questions and doing some research, I found that thermals and air convection in Simpleplanes are (somewhat) possible. All it requires is a simple input in the command console, which is "SetWindSpeed".

The SetWindSpeed command requires three inputs (numbers), which are labeled as [Single] [Single] [Single]. These three inputs follow the X Y Z vector format. The first input is X, or East/West wind. The second input is Y, or up/down wind. And of course the third input is Z, or North/South wind.

The Y input can be changed to simulate thermals or air convection. I found that the best input is a number between 1 and 10. This will push your aircraft upwards, and can be rather useful for a gentle climb in a glider or other light aircraft, without significantly losing speed to the point of stalling.

Thoughts or suggestions? Let me know!

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    9,222 T8flight


    +2 2.7 years ago
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    16.5k SilverStar

    Very good find !

    +2 2.8 years ago
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    69.1k PPLLAANNEE

    @TheFlightGuySP I could post detailed instructions with pictures and use the tournament validation to find xml edits

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    @PPLLAANNEE It could theoretically work. The main issue would be getting people to participate in such a challenge.

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    69.1k PPLLAANNEE

    @TheFlightGuySP wait i just thought of an idea for how this could be used for a challenge.

    negative y value wind simulates more gravity

    what if we make a challenge for people to build things that can withstand high gravity and even move around in it.

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    @PPLLAANNEE That would be very useful. It would be great for videos as well.

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    69.1k PPLLAANNEE

    there should be a spotlight button for forum posts

    +4 2.8 years ago
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    36.2k TheGliderGuy

    @TheFlightGuySP thx so much bro!

    +2 2.8 years ago
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    @TheGliderGuy Sure! It's: SetWindSpeed 0 2 0. You can replace the 2 with a bigger or smaller number, depending on how powerful you want the thermal/updraft to be.
    Edit: I found that 2 was a good number for near-the-ground climbing.

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    36.2k TheGliderGuy

    @TheFlightGuySP can you mabye make the command for me i dont really now how to do it

    +2 2.8 years ago
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    36.2k TheGliderGuy

    @TheFlightGuySP Oh damn Thx mate. This will be very usful

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    @TheGliderGuy I thought this might be helpful.

    +1 2.8 years ago