This is sounds like a dumb question but...
Is it just me or i am the only one who played SimplePlanes while having the BGM turned off? Or anyone else out there?
Anyone else who played SimplePlanes while turned the music/BGM off?
101k WHNineTripleOne
2.7 years ago
When I played SimplePlanes for my first time (2.2 years ago), there was no music. I saw music volume and put it up. I loved the music.
I turn it off most of the time, But sometimes i turn it on for the nostalgia. I actually quite like it as well, Good vibes.
the music sounds like something out of a 2012 calm/study music yt video.
No offence, but jeezus.
The minute I turned off music was the minute my ears returned to my body.
I hate pretty much 99% of all music so yes i have it turned off
One of the first things I did in SP, turned off the music lol, I occasionally turn it back on from time to time tho
There's bgm?? 💀💀
@WolfHunter9111 so then no I don't
Me too, i think the music feels like it doesn't fit the game atmosphere especially when traveling a long distance and having a battle with AI lol. Instead i use the music i have.
The music just becomes earrape 5 seconds after you start up SP
i usually just play music on my phone, but when i want a nostalgia kick i turn that stuff right up
Music gets annoying while doing math :p
I play without BGM, sometimes I play a livestream at the same time
@Nerfaddict nope
I listen to my own music
I don't play with background music on
I use someone's phone instrad for music
I play SP without the BGM cuz playing without the BGM feels cool
I turn the background music on when I'm in the mood for it.
I HAVE THE MUSIC TURNED OFF IT'S ABSOLUTELY IDK IT JUST DOESN'T FIT THE GAME! so I just go all fancy and play music from Spotify (said with a British accent)
Mobile has it turned off by default, I forget it exists until I play SPVR, which has it turned it on by default
Does it count if i turn it off to listen to my own music?
i like the back ground music, but i find it distracting, so its turned off
@WolfHunter9111 yes
@2Papi2Chulo i guess... I can consider that anyone who forgot about the BGM music is the player who didn't play the game without the BGM music