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15.8k XWorks  2.6 years ago

Say Comment E if you want new engines C if you want more cock pit designs like pedals and huds AND COMMENT F if you want new fuselages that are half hollow fuselage and half hollow glass fuselage and you could change how much glass or normal material And T for tracks for tanks.

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    15.8k XWorks

    @HuskyDynamics01 @X99STRIKER E T C OR F guys

    Pinned 2.6 years ago
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    E C F

    2.6 years ago
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    15.8k XWorks

    @beenz I customizable fuselage for making windows ot noses or heli noses.

    2.6 years ago
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    209 XILM

    E n C
    We need stuff like customizable engines 4 example tvc or bypass or compression ratio or an actual afterburner 4 once.
    Also ik that we just got cockpit interior parts but come on stuff like radar or actually HUDs n obs missiles is all really good.
    Also some displays that can b configured will b really cool.
    also ejection seats n auto ejection options will b real nice.
    And 1 last thing better Fox-1 Fox-2 and fox-3s will b soo good along with some rcs and ir tracking computation just saying it'd be real nice.

    2.6 years ago
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    T and C
    Pedals would be a great addition to the game

    2.6 years ago
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    The first one is basically not needed since you can XML modify it to be more close to the aircraft your building, the second part pedals and hud, you can make basic pedals for just a few parts also theres already a 1 parts hud that someone made, also you can make half hollow fuselage just by cutting it to 50%, next tracks this is needed a lot of users have requested this for years I don't know why they haven't added this

    2.6 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs


    +2 2.6 years ago
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    17.1k beenz

    wdym by half hollow fuselage

    2.6 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    Bruh… what do you think no means?

    2.6 years ago
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    15.8k XWorks

    @asteroidbook345 Yeah great Idea let me add that

    2.6 years ago
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    T for Tracks 2

    +4 2.6 years ago
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    15.8k XWorks

    @HuskyDynamics01 Yeah but it would be so much easier to make windows.

    2.6 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER


    2.6 years ago
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    The third one is literally already doable with fuselage cutting. Second one is doable with some FT knowledge (a lot more for HUDs, but still doable). First one sounds good on the surface, but there's already an existing engine for pretty much every purpose.

    2.6 years ago
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    15.8k XWorks

    @mrcopty @beasthunter @X99striker @bryan5

    +1 2.6 years ago