9,029 SPAircraftOfficial

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joined 3.6 years ago

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someone's profile
I don't know who that guy is, I just randomly typed simpleplanes.com/u/someone

He has 420 Points!

Favourite Games:

  1. SP
  2. Minecraft
  3. Battlefield 1
  4. ArmA 3

I own SP Aircraft Developement

First Hydrogen Aircraft
Second Hydrogen Aircraft
Third Hydrogen Aircraft

Things you should know about me:
- 13 years old
- I was born in Hungary, but live in Germany now

Users I'd consider my friends:
- Darz
- Wingsiron
- WinsWings
- Ice
- Zaine
- Caper

Music I listen to when I play SP:
- Soldier of Heaven (Sabaton)
- Christmas Truce (Sabaton)
- The Attack of the Dead Men (Sabaton)
- Battlefield 4 "Warsaw" Theme
- Union (Slopes of St. Benedict) (Sabaton)
- Advance Australia (Gaijin Entertainment)
- This Is War (Bohemia Interactive, Jan dušek, Ondrej Matejka)
- Counterstrike (Sabaton)
- The Red Baron (Sabaton)

Random Citations:

brøther (ZeroWithSlashedO)
Bring us some tea. (Ghost from MWII)

- silver (reached on 31st of may)
- Gold (1st of may)
- Improve (cannot be reached)

Previously known as Thestarter455, WW2Builder