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Trouble with displaying information inside of an if else statement

6,142 Hypn0  2.4 years ago

Aight so
{((Activate13 ? 0 : 1) = 0 ? " STPT 1 ?? AUTO
LAT {Latitude}
LNG {Longitude}
ELEV {Altitude}
TOS 00:00:00" : " UHF MAIN
305.00 NB ")}
this aint working rn for some reason.
could someone help me out?

most of the stuff here doesn't matter
but the main body of it is {((Activate13 ? 0 : 1) = 0 ? "Position info goes here" : "radio info goes here")}
and for some damned reason it isnt working at all

it works when I just put a string as the text
I need it to show the information