Hello there !! This is a very simple tutorial on how to make the bomb bay doors of a bomb bay.
step 1 :
step 2 :
step 3 :
step 4 :
step 5 :
step 6 :
step 7 :
step 8 :
step 9 :
step 10 :
step 11 :
step 12 :
step 13 :
step 14 :
step 15 :
step 16 :
-don't forget to destroy the connections before duplicating or mirroring parts.
-if you're trying to create a bomb bay on one of your already made or almost finished builds, it's doable, but don't forget to destroy the connections of the parts that you will modify and slice.
-you can change the values for what ever you want, you can make the bay open faster, slower, more or less.
-this can be applied to gear doors.
haha images go poof
How to make a bomb bay:
I can’t see the pictures
@winterro hmmm, no images anymore, mhhhh
hmmm yes, very clear
@ollielebananiaCFSP I don’t see a connections tab
@planeplane1212 no problemo
clears throat
Thank you ollie very cool
@HarrisM select any part you want, then open the connection tab and there will be a button named somthing like "destroy / remove all connections"
@ollielebananiaCFSP I do not know how to destroy the connections
@TurtlePants fr
The fact that it took me so long to realize there was an advanced fill menu is embarrassing.
@FishFursona the 335 has a Bomb bay ? Glad I could help :)
Thanks for this tutorial turned out great for my Do-335!
@HarrisM It does work, you just doesn't do it right.
What doesn't work for you ?
It doesn’t work
@Genterprizes you're welcome
i forgot the advanced tab on fusalage blocks exists, thanks
@ollielebananiaCFSP That was unintentional
very cool 10/10
*Breathes in*
Is nice
Who thinks this should be put in that pinned forum that has useful links
thank you ollie very cool
@asteroidbook345 you just created a new trend bruh