1,609 mrxml

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joined 11 months ago

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Player Biography  

Bottom line

I love SimplePlanes and I love XML Modding in SimplePlanes!

How I play SimplePlanes

I enjoy making smart input controllers with XML, like the landing assist systems in my AQ-10. I think that without XML SimplePlanes is way lamer, so kudos to the devs for adding XML modding and the Overload mod.

I wish the designer had more tools though… Juno: New Origins has a designer with a tool on the cursor that can directly duplicate parts! That comes in handy. And I have needed it many times while working on my AQ-10.

What other games I play

  • Brawl Stars (barely)
  • Roblox

Also as of when I wrote this bio I am very new to this community so please help me out around here.

Edit: I am no longer new to this community, and I have returned from a long break

Rank-up dates

  • Bronze: like 4 hours after I posted the first version of AQ-10.
  • Silver: 6/20/2024
  • Gold: yet to happen
  • Platinum: yet to happen

People I think are nice