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How to create a mod

266 Ranker  2.4 years ago

I've been interested on Mods lately, and want to know how they made them, and publish (?) them.

Will I need Unity? Or can you use Unreal/Godot to make it?

Can you submit 3D models directly from Blender, or need to use Unity?

Since Unity is here, do I need coding?

What is the maximum file size for a Mod?

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    266 Ranker

    @hpgbproductions @SinisterARMS
    Thanks to the both of you!

    2.3 years ago
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    You need unity to make mods.
    You can download models or export your own from blender to unity and use them in your mod. The only way to put custom 3d models in the game is with a mod.
    You don't need coding for maps and designers. But you need it for parts and custom levels.
    No maximum file size. But if the mod is under 20 MB, you can host it on

    2.4 years ago
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    8,475 SinisterARMS
    2.4 years ago