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Multiplayer "Party Tricks":

28.0k TheFlightGuySP  2.2 years ago

Here are some attributes that can be added to your multiplayer chat messages to change the text style:

[FF0000] - Colored Text (can be any hex code).
[i] - Italic Text.
[b] - Bold Text.
[s] - Strikethrough Text.
[u] - Underline Text.
[sup] - Superscript Text.
[sub] -Subscript Text.

You can also end certain text styles by simply adding a /. For example: [/i] will end italics.
This does not apply to the Color attribute. You will need to add another color attribute to end the previous one.

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    hey dude cool plane lemme look at the cockpi-


    2.1 years ago
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    @temporaryplanetester I found that attribute a while ago, and yes it sadly does not work.

    I suppose if it did work however, people would probably put cleverly positioned RickRoll links on their build. Imagine the horrors that would fill the MP chat log...

    2.1 years ago
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    There is also [], but it doesn't seem to do anything since you can't click on text anywhere.

    It's also impossible to check if it can be ended with [/url] for that same reason.

    2.1 years ago
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    2.2 years ago
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    @ColonelCanada They are likely using a fancy text generator. I belive it says at the bottom of the text formatting guide that strikethrough (along with a few other things) does not work on the website.

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    Yes you can, I've seen people do it.

    2.2 years ago
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    @ColonelCanada Unfortunately, you can't.

    2.2 years ago
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    How do I do the strikethrough text on the website?

    2.2 years ago
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    7,366 Bellcat

    Ah, nice. Might do in MP.

    2.2 years ago