5,577 Korzalerke2147483647

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joined 2.2 years ago

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Useful stuff (the old account also has more things):

Removed posts:

Another useful thing, some features are locked behind certain point counts, I'll list them here as I find them:

  • 1 or more: Reporting any posts
  • 30 or more: Upvoting any posts
  • 50 or more: Uploading mods
  • 100 or more: Using image links {![fallback text](direct image url)} and creating video posts
  • 1000 or more: Updating craft XML
  • Varies: Spotlighting posts, requires more points than the creator of the post you're trying to spolight.

Also, anything I made both here and on the old account is free to use for whatever you want with or without credit (though I'd like a tag if you use anything I made).

In the event I deleted either account, you also have my permission to reupload any or all of my creations.

(doubt it'll happen any time soon though)

Previously known as temporaryplanetester, Korzalerkle, korza