A list of random codes I'll probably reuse a bunch of times.
Engines should have throttleResponse set to a large number (like 10000) so their speed can be set entirely through code.
Front wheel turn limiter
Speed: 15m/s (~30 knots)
Aileron input w/ stabilization
- smooth(Roll, 2) + smooth(Roll = 0 ? RollRate * 0.1 : 0, 0.75)
Roll speed: 2º/s
Stab. strength: 1/10 (the aircraft's roll rate)
Stab. speed: 0.75º/s
Rudder input w/ stabilization (also auto-yaw fix)
- smooth(Yaw, 1.5) - smooth(Yaw = 0 ? YawRate * (AltitudeAgl < 2.5 ? 50 : 0.1) : 0, 0.75)
Yaw speed: 1.5º/s
Alt. trigger: 2.5m (should be the AltitudeAgl while on ground)
Stab. strength: 50 or 1/10 (the aircraft's yaw rate)
Stab. speed: 0.75º/s
Multi-phase flap
- smooth(clamp(floor(VTOL * 2) / 2, -1, 0), 1.5)
Phases: 2 (repeated once)
Speed: 1.5º/s
- max(EnginePower, RevThrust) * 10
True engine
- smooth(Throttle * clamp01(!Activate1), 1 / 10) * 0.1
Reverse thrust engine
- smooth((GS < 15 ? 0.5 : 1) * clamp01(Activate1), 1 / 10) * 0.1
ActivationGroup: 1 (repeated once)
Speed: 15m/s (reverse thrust is more powerful when speed is above this)
Engine spool-up time: 10s (repeated once)
@ToeTips Oh all the code is in the description, the thumbnail is just the variables screen from this plane.
Wait where code?
Can i use these for fighters?