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Projects Sitrep 11/22/2022

95.9k ReinMcDeer  2.1 years ago

F-16C Block 52 Viper V5.0 Progress (2)

I finally put a full loadout on the Viper. As with the others, the default will be 2 AMRAAMS, 2 Sidewinders, and 2 Mk84 2000 lb LDGP's. There are also 2 600 gal drop tanks, which are 1800 kg (~4000 lb) each and extend the fuel time from ~52 minutes with military power to ~110 minutes. As expected, the extra weight hampers the flight performance.

I'm also playing around with limited ammo on the gun using this FT:

Activate8=true & (sum(clamp01(FireGuns*clamp01(Activate8=true)))<5.11)

All it does is deactivate the gun once it has been fired for 5.11 seconds, which is when the gun has fired 511 rounds. It works perfectly, but I'm still debating on whether or not to keep this in the final build for playability reasons.

Shot down by proximity detonation

The Viper also has a semi-functioning damage model now. Control surfaces have less health, so they will take only 2 20mm shells to destroy. Their hinges also have health=1, so if you are shot down by a missile's proximity detonation (with explosionScalar=.5), they fall off (sometimes). Direct hits usually still obliterate the plane though.

The current part count is 393.

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    95.9k ReinMcDeer

    @FairFireFlight Yeah same. I was thinking about it for a while and then realized that this was an obvious solution.

    2.1 years ago
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    I ended up opting for using FT gun ammo on my F-16A, my only gripe with guns was the lack of an ammo function, so I just made my own.

    2.1 years ago
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    having this simulated ammo count in guns is pretty unique, very usefull for realism.

    +3 2.1 years ago