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Answers for newbies

409 JosephT  2.3 years ago

If you have any questions that are in relation to why the plane won't work, mods, or literally anything that you might have as a new player, just ask here.

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    409 JosephT


    1.3 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    this is still alive but no one else is here

    2.1 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    @ongatame I saw you made a comment not long ago, although I'm unable to find it.

    2.2 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    @Farewellntchii changing your location to water takeoff, then to your preferred runway should bring it to a stop too.

    2.2 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    @Farewellntchii welcome, although I find that once you hit infinity mph It becomes hard to stop.

    2.2 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    @Farewellntchii By unfly quickly, I presume you mean stop the plane from moving and reach the ground/water. there are many ways to do this, the easiest of solutions usually means that the vehicle will no longer be able to be flown (mainly ends in a fun explosion).
    Starting with the easiest of options you could put the plane into a dive which is when you point the nose of the plane toward the ground, most of the time this will result in an explosion.
    Your next easy option would be to add parachutes to the plane (best to add them on the Center of mass (COM), once you have placed your parachutes on the desired plane and have taken off, it will be up to you when you want to unfly quickly. when the time comes you will turn the engines off (0% power) and then activate the parachute. this will also require you to take it on some test runs to get the parachute size and things good.
    another option would be to use VTOL engines then when you want to unfly just reverse the VTOL until the plane stops then put it in the down position. You will have to experiment with the position and timing you do this so it isn't one of the easiest of options.
    if you add the right amount of buoyancy to certain parts of the plane it is possible to nose dive into the water and then the plane will resurface, this requires practice and trial and error since the buoyancy will need to be adjusted so that you can take off after (engines can't breathe under water unless you put an air intake somewhere above the waterline).
    Does that explain your question?

    2.2 years ago
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    AH, TY

    2.2 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    Tags give you the ability to explain what your build is with few words. So if you build a car It can be tagged (tag) a car. This allows people looking for something interesting that is in a Tage to find it easier, so say if I wanted to look for a British WW2 plane I could easily search using those tags. If you don’t see the tag you want take a search.
    Also when YouTubers do vidéos on planes they can have them tagged to maybe be shown on the video to get more publicity. @ThatRandomCouchPotato

    2.2 years ago
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    What does the tag do(on posts. Ex. T for tag)?

    2.2 years ago
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    Aww yes, intricate but fine @JosephT.

    2.3 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    If you are wondering what performance cost means, the developer described it pretty well.

    2.3 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    @PlaneFlightX yes please, It sounds interesting.

    2.3 years ago
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    50.6k PlaneFlightX

    @JosephT So you would like to be added to the tag list for the SWL-120?

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    @PlaneFlightX I know that you were joking, I was just doing it for a laugh. that's pretty cool, what people manage on here is quite amazing. If you remember, send a link to download it when you're done.

    2.3 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    @Rocketguy2079 There are many components that make up a plane.
    First, we have the carcass, which is the frame of the plane and it is an important part of every vehicle.
    Next, we have the cockpit you can use multiple of these but will need to decide on one to be the primary (the one that you can look from.
    All airplanes that transport people will have one. when beginning I suggest using a basic type of cockpit, the most common type of plane to not have a cockpit is a drone which is mainly controlled by a computer or via radio control.
    Up next we have the engine. this is the part that makes the plane move, either by pulling, pushing, or dragging. in this game, they can all be divided up into Five groups:
    //Regular propeller engines which are kindly provided in the game, this type has two or more blades and usually pull the plane forward or drag it by the wings (there are some exceptions for it to push) these run off gas or fuel
    //electric or gyroscopic engines are similar, but you will need to create these yourself and they usually need mods to run.
    //Jet engines are either dragging the plane or pushing the plane forward these are much faster but require a lot more fuel to run.
    //Electric jet engines are of an unusual type and appear to break the laws of physics, they too need to be built by the player and don't require fuel to run.
    // and similar to regular jet engines there are VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing.) that as described are just jet engines that will allow the plane to take off vertically (this can be done by creating your own but to start you can use the ones provided in the game)
    Then there are wings which are a piece of a plane that is used for many different reasons. Unlike a chicken's wing, the wing of a plane provides what we call lift; when used properly can lift a plane from the ground for you to move up, down left, and right. they can also hold planes engines, wheels, fuel, and weapons. there are many types of wings that you can learn about in ground school.
    then there are the wheels that allow the plane to move on the ground with less friction, you can generally divide them into two groups which are retractable and non retractable. certain types can also be connected to car engines.
    .l. did I miss anything?

    2.3 years ago
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    50.6k PlaneFlightX

    @JosephT I was joking lol, I'm literally developing this myself.

    2.3 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    Yes I know that you all have plenty of experience compared to me, I'm just doing it for the laugh.

    2.3 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    Fun fact:

    the British navy once accidentally dropped a test bomb into one of their aircraft carriers and it went straight through the deck (HMS Arc Royal). the ship was towing a carcass and mistook the carrier.
    It's normal during practice war, for at least one American pilot to crash, especially into the side of the ship. This is only practice.

    2.3 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    @PlaneFlightX Since this is mainly for beginner questions I am unable to provide such details, however, this might be of use:
    I am unsure if the creator is still available, although it might be worth asking.

    If you just want the plane to travel in a straight line, on a PC you can click the enter key and autopilot will start.

    2.3 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    @jamesPLANESii there are many ways to add fuel, such as a fuel block (not very effective since it only contains 20 gallons), in the wings, and even fuselage.

    Your first step will be to properly balance your plane so that the mass (which can be added with dead weight) is slightly in front of the lift. Once it is all balanced you can then add the fuel right where the Center of mass (COM) is once you have that all your gas powered engines will run.

    2.3 years ago
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    409 JosephT

    @FirstFish83828 A wing is a piece of a plane that is used for many different reasons. Unlike a chicken's wing, the wing of a plane provides what we call lift; when used properly can lift a plane from the ground for you to move up, down left, and right.

    2.3 years ago
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    50.6k PlaneFlightX

    How do I make a fully functional FMC? What trigometric code do I need to use to calculate my VNAV descend/climb requirements to reach the target altitude by the waypoint?

    2.3 years ago
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    how do i add fuel :(

    2.3 years ago
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    What is a “wing”

    2.3 years ago
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    What is a plane? I only build carsss….

    2.3 years ago