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1.14/15, whatever we’re on now, the Better Warfare update.

480 TheEngineeringTactician  2.2 years ago

Hello everyone, I think we can all agree that the weapons in SimplePlanes are rather weak as is and yet simultaneously overpowered. There is no way to dodge an interceptor launched at any range greater than 5 km and yet it can’t be launched any farther away than 15 km… as such, I’d like to suggest the next update completely revamp the combat in-game.

Modular missiles—add a bunch of different parts for making custom missiles, these could be things like Solid rocket boosters, RAMJET engines, all sorts of stuff, it would also include the next thing:
More homing types—In SP, there are currently two types of homing, Active Radar Homing (ARH) and Semi-Active Radar Homing (S(ARH)). We have no IR seekers, no TV guided missiles, just ARH and S(ARH) missiles… this leads to the use of “guardians”, which are S(ARH) missiles and as such should be used at long range, as dogfight missiles. The game just needs some updates to how missiles work….
As it is currently, guns are completely pointless if you have any kind of missile left… what needs to happen is the creation of belts, that way we can load things like HE, AP, and incendiary, all of which would do different types of damage… which leads into the next section.

Damage—currently, if a part takes approximately 6 7.62 mm rounds, it will explode with more force than the bomb dropped on Nagasaki… I would like to suggest an upgrade to damage, make it so by default, parts of something like 2.5K HP and as they take more damage, 3 things start to occur:
At 50 damage—bullet holes, at 100 damage, parts will start having holes form in them, this would lead to fuel leaks and such not…
At 100 damage—denting, at this point, parts start to deform from impact damage, though the effect is not severe until the 500 damage mark.
At 250 damage—function loss—at this point, this is where parts like engines and fuel tanks catch on fire, and wings lose function as a means to turn.
At 1000 damage—disconnections. At this point, a part will start randomly disconnecting with other parts it is connected to at a rate of one disconnection per 1K damage. When it disconnects from something, it applies 250 damage to said part.
At 2500 damage—obliteration. At this point, the part simply deletes itself, and all is well in the world.
Armor—a part that can be attached to wings and fuselage blocks, blocks all damage below a certain level from traveling through it. Damage works differently for armor parts, and they would have variable HP depending on their protection value.
For every 500 damage let through the armor plate, it’s protection value drops by 20, thus meaning as time goes on, an armor plate that stops 200 damage at default would be able to pass through at most 5K damage before the plate is removed completely.
Radar—something that is completely broken in-game is radar. Every aircraft has RWR, and a look-down shoot-down radar with infinite range. Something that could be implemented would be a couple of different radar types, to make things more realistic.

If you have any ideas, please put them in the comments. I will take the best ones and insert them into their own section. If you agree with any of the above, please upvote so this will come too Jundroo’s attention.

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    49.7k ShinyGemsBro

    @LeaveUsAlone Not everyone who plays SP owns an iPad like you

    +2 2.1 years ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro dude, I’m a mobile player… my iPad can run almost as many parts as my PC before things go down hill (approximately 1500). There’s something to be said for how Apple does their devices.

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    I'd love to see these changes although a bit less complex, i especially would love a radar in-game. Though I would prefer a quality of life update tbh with more color slots, camera views, adding missing XML attributes, etc. The code can't be that horrendous to prevent the devs from adding these.

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    17.0k Kangy

    “the code is stable
    don’t touchit”

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    Y E S

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    I already see Performance issues on Weaker Devices like Laptops and mobile Devices

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    26.7k Bryan5

    @BuiltBionixInd10 Yes, i agree with that.

    2.2 years ago
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    We need an Aquatic Update for 1.13

    +4 2.2 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    I just want the flares to work like actual flares. That is all i want. If all jundroo gave us is missile tracking flares, i will want nothing more and will be happy.

    +3 2.2 years ago
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    49.7k ShinyGemsBro

    Not to mention that since SP runs on an older Unity setup, it's gonna take a ton more resources to have the parts and simulation that you want to actually work, which might be a major downside for mobile users since they're already at a disadvantage of having lower processing power and RAM. They did add the text labels part for many reasons. One of them is to reduce the reliance of builders on fuselage blocks to create letters and logos for cosmetic purposes, such as tailcodes and roundels, which @hpgbproductions patented a way to make such things possible

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    49.7k ShinyGemsBro

    @LeaveUsAlone You can pretty much just make your own armor parts via XML editing the health value of that part/plate that you want to be "armored" for now.
    I do very much agree with you on the radar aspect, though. Every build having a radar warning receiver right off the bat is kind of ridiculous.
    but then again, this game is called SimplePlanes for a reason. Not ComplexPlanes. If you're really looking for more realism until whether or not Jundroo will actually implement new stuff, then you might want to stick to DCS or any other flight sim that has what you like.

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro yes, I agree with that for some of the stuff, but armor wouldn’t be too hard, and neither would radar…

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    49.7k ShinyGemsBro

    It's gonna be difficult to implement these features since SP uses an older Unity setup. Jundroo's gonna have to make SP2 for these stuff cause new programming and codes make it easier, which I doubt they'll do at all since they're focusing more on SimpleRockets.

    +1 2.2 years ago