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Teaser, and what's been going on with life...

426k realSavageMan  2.3 years ago

Hey all, I am presenting this...

...from 2017. And a year later I gave it another shot:

The Boeing 787 is arguably my favorite 21st-century airliner and I myself have flown on it several times too.

However, as many of y'all noticed, I'm no longer as active as I once was on SP circa 2017-2020... I got a busy life as well as Minecraft (my actual favorite game) to play, while SP gets repetitive and boring quickly, at least for me. If one day I replace my beefy laptop with a PC computer or am introduced to modding, I might change my mind.

The good news is, given how much I have learned to utilize those new fuselage cutting techniques and the patience to do the details (yes, I've been lazy on them back in the days), I am giving it a shot again.

Expect this 787 to be finished in a couple of months... This is going to be equipped with the highest standard of detail as well as the most realistic cockpit flying experience.

T for a tag