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RESULTS: Swing Wing Challenge

28.1k HuskyDynamics01  2.2 years ago

The results of the Swing Wing Challenge are finally here!

There were a total of 24 qualified entries. Testing and evaluation was conducted over the past four days. To ensure a fair evaluation, I did not download any of the entries prior to their testing period, so I had an equal amount of prior experience (none) with each aircraft when testing.

Without further ado, here are the results of the Swing Wing Challenge!

Honorable Mention: BAE Broadsword FGR.1


Aesthetics: 9/10

Good colors and design. It looks realistic and high-quality, though there isn't much to make it visually "pop".

Details: 10/10

Effective combination of realistic text and part-built markings without being over-detailed.

Build Quality: 17/20

Nudging is very precise. Use of small gaps to create panel lines is something I haven't seen very much, and the split flaps are very well-done. The cockpits are well-made, though the HUD variables are missing and the external stores seem to wiggle a lot.

Basic Functions: 15/15

It flies well and the wings sweep properly, forming a very nice, smooth overall shape when swept.

Advanced Functions: 14/15

Split flaps, refueling probe, custom landing gear, canopy, and weapons bay all work properly and smoothly.

Realism: 13/20

The handling is realistic, though the aircraft's acceleration is much greater than I would have expected, and sweeping the wings does not seem necessary to achieve high speeds (though the feature itself works well with the design).

Personal Impressions: 8/10

I quite like this one. It flies well and has a lot of extra features, in addition to a huge ordinance payload. The wiggly weapon pylons concern me a little but don't seem to affect anything.

Overall: 86/100

Honorable Mention: TERN Lubbock


Aesthetics: 9/10

The aircraft is proportioned very nicely, and looks very clean and smooth. The simple paint job and lack of markings are a bit unfortunate though, as they really affect the overall look of the plane.

Details: 7/10

Very nice part-built antennas and instrument probes, but a complete lack of other forms of external markings or even a livery.

Build Quality: 17/20

Very nice cockpit and exceptional part nudging precision. However, some details could use a little more work (the engine exhaust is rather basic and the intake fan doesn't spin; the canopy clips through the turtle deck when open; and the 100lb bombs rather concerningly interfere with the ailerons).

Basic Functions: 15/15

Flies well, and the wings sweep as they should. It doesn't randomly explode and everything stays attached.

Advanced Functions: 14/15

Cockpit displays and refueling probe work very well, and custom weapons are always nice to see.

Realism: 11/20

The aircraft seemingly becomes more maneuverable with the wings swept. It seems to cruise at about 300 knots, so I'm not sure swing wings are really a realistic feature for this design. The pylons also do not rotate to continue pointing forward when the wings are swept, leading to some rather awkward weapon launches.

Personal Impressions: 9/10

This is a very fun aircraft to fly. It's really maneuverable and carries a good load of weapons, though some of its design features aren't quite realistic. I would have liked to see some sort of livery or markings, as the overall dark tan is just kind of bland.

Overall 87/100

Third Place: AKULA


Aesthetics: 10/10

Looks fantastic and is immediately recognizable as a Strike Wyvern, with a striking color scheme to match.

Details: 6/10

Good use of fuselage shaping to capture the essential details, though perhaps some text-based markings could have been nice as well.

Build Quality: 20/20

Part nudging and fuselage cutting is incredibly precise, creating an aircraft that looks as if it is one smooth piece, with no visible seams or gaps anywhere. The cockpit is somewhat basic, but looks good and fits the overall style.

Basic Functions: 15/15

Flies smoothly (and quite controllably for having thrust vectoring with no Funky Trees), and the wings sweep beautifully.

Advanced Functions: 13/15

Good use of fuselage cutting for gear and missile bays, and very smooth wing, tail, and canard movements. Custom opening canopy is also very well-made.

Realism: 17/20

Given the fictional nature of the aircraft, some liberties with performance were expected, but overall this aircraft flies pretty realistically. The only thing I'd note is that the roll rate when in cruise mode is rather excessive.

Personal Impressions: 10/10

The smoothness of this build continues to impress me even after thoroughly testing it. Everything essential about the Wyvern is captured beautifully in this sleek package.

Overall 91/100

Second Place: DT-160C Feuerfalke


Aesthetics: 9/10

A very nice-looking plane. The paint scheme is a little bland but works quite well with the design.

Details: 8/10

Good use of labels and lighting on the exterior, though perhaps a few part-built details (antennas or something) would have been a nice touch. The cockpit is fantastic!

Build Quality: 19/20

Fantastic cockpit, well-built and clearly refined fuselage and overall design. Custom weapons are very well-made.

Basic Functions: 15/15

Flies very well, and the wing sweep works effectively and properly.

Advanced Functions: 14/15

Custom weapons, ejection seat, drag chute, wing sweep override, this plane has practically everything you need. The only thing missing is the ability to open the canopy without ejecting, but that's a minor point.

Realism: 19/20

Wing sweep is a realistic feature for the design and works very well, altering the performance as one would expect. Flight characteristics are realistic and obviously well-tested and refined.

Personal Impressions: 8/10

It's clear that a lot of effort was put into this entry, and the result is very, very good. I would have liked perhaps a little more exterior details or markings, but the cockpit more than makes up for this. Very nice!

Overall: 92/100

First Place: IAS SF-21 Auor


Aesthetics: 10/10

Looks amazing, inside and out. Colors and markings are realistic and look great.

Details: 9/10

Good use of both labels and part-built details, though a few areas feel a bit "empty".

Build Quality: 19/20

Nudging is very precise. The cockpit is absolutely exceptional, and the exterior looks great as well. The only complaints I have are that it slowly rotates to the left on the ground, and that a small portion of the right flaperon functions regardless of the state of the aircraft's hydraulics.

Basic Functions: 15/15

It flies well, and the wings sweep automatically at appropriate speeds.

Advanced Functions: 15/15

A plethora of advanced features, including a complete (and complicated) startup sequence. I still am amazed at the levels of complexity that people are able to incorporate into their cockpits, and this plane is a perfect example.

Realism: 20/20

Flight performance is well within the bounds of reality, and everything in the cockpit functions realistically and as one would expect in a real jet.

Personal Impressions: 10/10

This is a fantastic plane. There might be a few things I'd personally have done differently with the exterior, but the sheer detail in the cockpit combined with the realistic performance is simply mind-blowing. Outstanding build!

Overall: 98/100

To keep this forum post from being a mile long, the remaining entries are listed with only their overall score. If you would like to see the full breakdown of how your aircraft's points added up, please let me know and I'll put it in a comment on your aircraft's page.

6th: AWFB-1 (Acethewolf25)


7th: NP-2 "Malva" (toorbokkot)


8th: J-91 'Kingsnake' (Jengstrom)


9th: MiG-23ML (BuildinTacos)


10th: EE Auctioneer (AquilusEpic)


11th: NF-13B (Swing wing challenge) (SketchEmmerian)


12th: X01-MAYA (Swing wing Challenge) (Dominus)


13th: F-44M Bengal Tiger (TheRedBaron2)


14th: VF-1A Valkyrie (ZeroRaven87)


15th: (fictional) USN-F3 (crusaderwingman)


16th: Hvl-31 (speed72s)


17th: Tupolev Tu-22M hipersonic bomber (YatoTsurugi)


18th: challenge (AgentDash423)


19th: Archer F1A Swing Wing Challenge (GotovoYaTut)


20th: (Swing wing version) Brayden Aircraft Industries BAI-5000 (Brayden1981)


21st: Thrust vectoring aircraft (Mondayhater)


22nd: RAF Jester (BeeEngineer)


23rd: Aircraft F-19 Phoenix Tomcat (Sterben214)


24th: swept wing Aircraft prototype (Shadowwolf82)

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all who entered!

Rewards will be distributed shortly.

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    34.5k GhostHTX

    Fifth place and an honorable mention? I’ll take it :-)

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 I’d love a break down of my score please.

    2.2 years ago
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    9,499 Tookan

    This is probably the most thorough analysis of a challenge's results I've seen.

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    1,507 Aditiaa

    @HuskyDynamics01 thanks a lot man it means so much to me as a newcomer

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    I was honestly expecting to get 5th place, not 2nd lmao, there were a lot of sexy builds i expected to do better. Really fun challenge to participate in and hopefully i can do it again!

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    43.0k phrongus

    @shibusu congratulations

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    5,341 shibusu

    This was a really fun challenge to participate in, hope we'll have more of these in the future!

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    @shibusu @Mage2IsTriggered @Aditiaa

    2.2 years ago