Kerbal Space Program is gonna be free! This is not a drill!
Go to the epic games store to get it.
30.0k 32
2.0 years ago
Kerbal Space Program is gonna be free! This is not a drill!
Go to the epic games store to get it.
I don't really think ksp is better than sr2, but it does appeal to people with the same interests.
I can indeed confirm this storefront is legitimate; the free games thing is a promo to purchase games for money on their platform. I've never spent a dime but I own loads of games that would usually cost money.
@32 Lots of fun, even on my dual core 4GB Inspiron.
@BeastHunter just downloaded it
Nabbed the deal. Epic game.
hell yeah boi
@JeskoGoesVROOM yeah this is legit
I've gotten about 75 games for free from EGS
@goboygo1 yes sir
Bloons TD6, A man of culture.
is this real???
if it is, oh boy am i gonna get so many memories and nostalgia back :')',',,'
@32 facts
@XtarsAgency lol
SR2 Pros: No Kraken issues, better parts, infinet possibilities of parts, custom parts, more planets, INFINTE PLANETS (planet studio), Procedural... EVERTHING, No limit on Hangar, and a better physics on wings, engines, exhaust, and even astronaouts that can talk... Poor droo being smashed
Ksp pros: more popular (😔),
@Nerfaddict Very, very true.
SR2 Is better
Change my mind
@ColonelCanada that's probably why its gonna be free
@ColonelCanada amen brother
KSP was cool for like 6 seconds
then the Simple series walked in the room
Yes, that’s KSP2 publicity to get everyone into it again.