15.0k FomahaultCoredemshau

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joined 3.6 years ago

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Our Flag, XSE.

Making [Zeridmuth]

Wait a few years I will return always

10/10 craft :)))))))))))))) kracc bacc in a nutshell

Discord: fomahaultcoredemshau
Youtube: Fomahault Coredemshau
GitHub: XtarsAgency
RenderHub: Xtars
BuyMeACoffee: Fomahault Coredemshau

13yr old, Indonesian dude who likes to do everything. Struggles in life as everybody does, its 2024 duh.
(That's not me, I literally drew that for no reason)


White: Bruh
Bronze: like 2022/8/3?
Silver: 2022 uranium coob
Gold: 2nd august 2023


I just play for filling in time, or just making time pass faster so I can reach something that I don't even know and maybe fail, lose it all then die.

Easily stressed (this is why I wrote this), just give me 4 lose streaks, I might just be taking it deep enough.

Judge me a sociopath or a psychopath, maybe I'm bipolar, or whatever I have no idea whatever is within me, but just remember I may talk like James Bond for a day then the next I might talk like a scumbag.

Please, don't try to argue with me, we wouldn't get anywhere at all, by at all, AT ALL. trust me, I wouldn't change, and trying to continue would just putting more fuel into the fire. Just let it die down.

Thats personality wise, now let's go somewhere.

I made some rather questionable and probably good choices, being early in life. I always thought about speedrunning life... Idk what I will do.

-Started coding at 12 years old, basic coding. No JavaScript, or anything much yet.
-Chess Player since 11 years old, and I doubt I can keep up with my past self anymore.
-Animator, and Pixel artist, since 10 years old.
-Earliest existential crisis at 8 years old.
-Somehow managed to be an introvert from an extrovert within 9 MONTHS. (I was addicted to gadgets and stuff)

Most Remarkable creations

Idk, but what I'm thinking are

Marzkit 2000GT
Marzkit EXAV EVO
ZYTA Arvtom
Naugrel Allon


Previously known as Gravitons, XtarsAgency, XtarsTheExdarichGuy33106