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(Most) xml Properties for the bomb!

631 AndyL0L  2.0 years ago


Name: The name of the bomb.

Model: The model file for the bomb.

Description: A description of the bomb.

Type: The type of bomb (e.g. "Bomb", "Missile").

Mass: The mass of the bomb.

ExplosiveMass: The mass of the explosive material in the bomb.

ExplosiveType: The type of explosive used in the bomb (e.g. "TNT", "RDX").

DetonationDelay: The delay in seconds before the bomb detonates after being dropped.

FuseType: The type of fuse used in the bomb (e.g. "Impact", "Timed").

BlastRadius: The radius of the explosion caused by the bomb.

BlastPressure: The pressure of the explosion caused by the bomb.

FragmentCount: The number of fragments that are produced when the bomb explodes.

FragmentMass: The mass of each fragment produced when the bomb explodes.

FragmentVelocity: The velocity of each fragment produced when the bomb explodes.
These are just some of the properties that can be used in the XML file for a bomb in SimplePlanes. There are many other properties that can be used to customize the behavior and appearance of the bomb.

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    name already exists as a valid variable, you just have to add it yourself in Overload since it's only used if you want to change the weapon name from the default. mass and explosionScale also similarly already exist.

    Model and Description are already possible if you make a mod with a custom bomb, and most of the rest of these either don't have much of a reason to exist (you can't collide with bomb debris fragments anyway, and they scale based on the explosion size) or require things like pressure simulation that don't and probably will never exist in the game.

    I do like the idea of timed (i.e. post-impact) detonation though. That would be neat.

    +3 2.0 years ago
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    631 AndyL0L

    @temporaryplanetester Yes its a suggestion yes I would like that

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    Is this like... a suggestion post? Those things aren't in the game.

    +2 2.0 years ago