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My Thoughts About SimplePlanes 2

141k BaconEggs  2.2 years ago

It's my belief that a sequel game to sp should happen and definitely will, and i have some specific ideas of what the game should be like, but i dont think i will go into that in this forum. i instead would like to voice my personal thoughts about it and what things id want the developers to avoid

i think my biggest fear when it comes to a new game is obsolescence of current builds and projects. there were a lot of 'victims' of fuselage cutting, and while i will eventually move on to whatever new standard of building the game could bring, it leaves behind a lot of work i have done last year.

another more specific case is my map addon that i started a while back. I've been putting in time here and there to make more land, something we've been wanting for the game since 2016.

with a sequel to the game, all this would very clearly become obsolete as whatever map may come out of the new game will likely be much better than what we have for now, and be done in a different way.

another thing im concerned for is if a new game would alienate the current playerbase of sp. i personally had high hopes for sr2 when it was becoming available, but i was disappointed when the ui of the editor was far different from the one in sp. i think in a sequel game for sp, the building ui should stay fundamentally the same. same places for everything, same menus and format to avoid confusion in players already used to what we have now.

this aside, the idea of a sp sequel does excite me. better optimization, new graphics, new map, new possibilities, all of it sounds great and can definitely serve to benefit the execution of a similar game. i may make a forum detailing my 'wishlist' for a new sp game, though i think it best my word should not be taken as gospel and just as opinion. my ideas for the game could potentially alienate others just as others' ideas could alienate me

whatever comes to sp, be that significant updates or a new game, i am excited for it good

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    17.4k Kangy

    this aged so damn well holy crap

    +2 10 months ago
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    62.2k TheMouse
    11 months ago
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    12.0k Skyler101


    1.6 years ago
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    We need a rewrite like what they're doing to CS:GO, the game engine is just old. The game could have a lot more updates and significantly better optimization if it was less clunky

    +2 2.0 years ago
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    dude they really gotta add more land for the stock map especially for mobile because first off the land mass is so small and their are only 2 paved runways and such. they also should add better enemy ai planes so they can be more challenging, and they could add more ship fleets and experimental options to spawn a fleet (it sounds cool)

    +3 2.1 years ago
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    84.4k MrCOPTY

    Personal, I Wanna To Disable The Auto connect/disconnect Feature, Because It May Destroy The Build After Hours & Hours Of Hard Working, Hope This Comment And All Comments Below Consider During Improving This Game, And Thank You.

    +4 2.1 years ago
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    @ollielebananiaCFSP Yes, by all means keep the designer UI the same. They should only add some new features such as easily being able to make holes in fuselages (for windows, etc.), a better way to make round or curved shapes without the use of hundreds of thin fuselage sections, and of course an entirely new wing/control surface part, since the stock wings still look like plywood with no visible airfoil. Would be really great to see such changes in the future.

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    Mý Idea: You can use the same account and the crafts built in SP2 (when uploaded) are labeled as "SP" Craft" like a spotlight in the jetstream

    2.2 years ago
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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    I really think in order for SP to stand out it really need to specialized
    Take SR2 for example, for a lot of people it's just KSP without the green man.
    SP dont have the scale of KSP, dont have the world of stormworks, pretty realistic graphics of Flyout, and beautiful tire physics of Dream car builder.

    But what it have is really easy building style that's suitable for small scale single craft and am all for that, but it really need a lot more feature.
    And the introduction of FT really changes things. If other aspect of the game is as accessible to player as FT input, I believe the player base could really do a lot of awesome things, of course under solid physics, stuff like proper aerodynamics simulation, colision, etc.

    +3 2.2 years ago
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    15.8k SiBangsatYa

    Umm sir, will stock track, better physic and underwater camera added?

    2.2 years ago
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    I STRONGLY agree with the interface suggestion, I HATE the SR2 interface and love the SP one because, once you get used to it, it is intuitive, whereas SR2 is not. Beyond that, I generally trust the devs

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    I do agree on one thing, I just hope that the building mechanisms and th designer will start almost the same. I know that a lot of people are looking for something making everything easy but I think that we like SP because it is hard and Time consuming when you want to do good stuff.
    In my opinion SP2 should focus on gameplay, new and better graphics, better optimisation to make the main point of this game so much better : building

    +7 2.2 years ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 I agree with you. A new Feature could be more missile appearances (like modern russian missiles) or infrared cameras, or A new map implemented (like overload and fine tuner)

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    @OPaiTaOn That's what I'm thinking as well. SR2 made sense because SR1 was/is a completely different two-dimensional game, but an SP2 would just be more-or-less the same game with some improvements (that could probably be just as easily added to the original). Now, I could see there being a big "SimplePlanes 2.0" update (not a separate game) that does stuff like expanding the map, improving the designer, etc. that people want, but I don't think a standalone SP2 makes sense.

    +5 2.2 years ago
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    46.4k OPaiTaOn

    Simpleplanes 2 would be like Minecraft 2, a new game would not make sense. Updates adding more parts, items and islands in addition to an optimization in my opinion would be the best thing to do

    +9 2.2 years ago
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    45.1k rexzion

    @MrSilverWolf no more sipleplanes premium account

    +3 2.2 years ago
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    1,793 xiaofootball

    If a sequel is coming, I would love to see a Computer Assisted Design - The Game. Something along the lines of designed your own plane and fly it in an Ace Combat like campaign is fine too.

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    88.1k Walvis

    Things change, for better or worse, and as a result things that have been made in the past become obsolete or more likely: irrelevant. Nothing is permanent.

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    4,847 OpenHere


    +1 2.2 years ago
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    2,901 Zalyarowsky

    @JeskoGoesVROOM, current simpleplanes officially supports really old crafts by switching new physics to old physics and putting removed classic parts back because they aren't removed from game yet, i think SP2 will definitely have a SP/SP2 craft converter to let players fly SP crafts with recreation of old parts (or presetted parts to make them work like in sp)

    So, you can literally take off Wasp from SP in SP2 and discover new world

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    36.4k Icey21

    @WNP78 Hypothetically, if you guys were going to make a sequel for this game, would you consider cross compatibility?
    ex: being able to download SP builds on SP2

    +4 2.2 years ago
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    as long as we can port over our SP builds to SP2 without any issues (or at least only minor ones that can quickly be solved by the user) it's all ok

    +3 2.2 years ago
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    I’m a Chinese people, I like Simpleplanes very much,but I don’t know how can I talk with people with English,so I will talk with you in English 简单飞机就目前来说最大的一个问题就是iOS端没有联机软件,玩起来游戏无聊和寂寞,就希望Jundroo能为iOS开放联机功能,而windows又不知道哪一个是正版simpleplanes

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    @rexzion but what if I don’t have moneys for the monthly subscription of GE for it? 😭

    +3 2.2 years ago
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    141k BaconEggs

    @WNP78 thats kinda generalized, there are a diverse amount of ways something can become obsolete or thrown to the side, we've only seen one way of it somewhat happening + i said

    i will eventually move on to whatever new standard of building the game could bring,

    but um alrite

    +5 2.2 years ago
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