This is just an idea that’s been on my mind lately and I don’t think anyone has talked about it.
Whenever I come across making replicas, they tend to have a couple of holes in some areas that are simply too small to model conventionally.
For example
An F-84F airbrake
Etendard airbrake
Where else could this be added….
Perhaps refueling ports, airliner windows, radar dish, the dauntless perforated airbrake most especially. The possibilities are endless.
So in the event of a major update perhaps, if possible, perforation could be implemented in game.
I am open to anyone else’s opinion on this
(challenge impossible)
Glass fuselage panel with a label providing texture?
1 billion
@temporaryplanetester I wouldn’t be concerned about the collisions though given the fact that you can’t go through hollow fuselage to begin with
I usually use fuselage slicing (adjusting fill) to make holes for windows and stuff, but of course doing that requires stupid amounts of parts if you want anything to be round. You would have to cut it into a hundred or more little pieces and adjust them individually to get round perforations like on those airbrakes. Jundroo should really add a perforation feature, or a feature that combines many fuselage parts into one object, so people's devices don't spontaneously combust. Kind of annoying how there still isn't a straightforward way to make curved features.
@TheCommentaryGuy that’s if it conforms to the fuselage properly
@beenz Or a text label
@OwO "solution? use a gun. And if that doesn't work, use more gun" -TF2 Engineer
@beenz 👁️🫦👁️
why not just use small fuselage circles then paint them black :skull: