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5 HUD Pack, Issue about HUD not working

10.1k LuminoxBiotechCompany  1.9 years ago

This post refers to 5 HUD Pack
there are many issues about HUD not working like this
the cause is simple because the variable section is empty like this
how to handle it? The trick is to enter a variable part to your plane like this

How to enter Variable code into your plane using xml file?
android/data/com.jundroo.SimplePlanes/files/your aircraft

then go into xml and enter the variable, the way is at the beginning you want to put it you have to do like this <Variables>, then to end it do the same thing but a bit different like this </Variables>.


The Variable Code

HUD variables to edit in the XML file

Another Option

If you want it even more difficult then you can copy and paste from within the game.

Variable Code

HUD variables to edit in the game

and that's all I can say, so if something isn't clear, you can ask the moderators.

Good Luck.
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    @Geometry Dash World Very helpful. Thanks for sharing this helpful post.

    1.4 years ago
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    1,577 Lee24

    Thanks, helped a lot

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @ollielebananiaCFSP sometimes it often happens in several conditions

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    I mean, all these guys who made one part HUDs wrote it in their descriptions that it's necessary to copy the variables, people are just lazy and don't read anything. That's often the case when it doesn't work, just lazyness.

    +1 1.9 years ago