10.1k LuminoxBiotechCompany

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Luminox Biotech Company
The Indonesian branch was inaugurated on 17/12/2023.

Company Logo


L CorpID was founded to find out about a dangerous epidemic originating from China, L Corp was created in secret and spread across several countries, for L Corp's location in Indonesia is Dusun Silirkrombang, Sineporejo, Kec. Siliragung, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java.(In My BTF Series Story)

Some of the countries that built L Corp are: China, America, Korea, Japan, Indonesia

Consists of 4 main classes:

A Class
B Class
C Class
D Class

There are 4 units for C Class and D Class:

M Materials Managing
P Production Controller
T Tester Researchers
C Controller Harming Security

The staff who are always active at L Corp are: Deko(A), Bylo(A), Nero(B), Neon(B), Frostbite(B), Belugas(B).

General Documents

L Corp is a Fiction Factory whose goal is to find out about a biological plague that appears in mid-2023 in China.

Because it was difficult to research this outbreak finally L Corp was founded in several countries.

The Laboratory can be described like this:

this is just an example, the real picture may be different.

Other documents are not displayed because they are factory confidential.

I hate sarkas.

You want something? Contact me on Discord: Luminox Biotech Company#0353
Not the first account, this is the account for receiving feedback.
I will check the second profile within 2 times a week, so sorry if I respond late
Thank you for viewing my profile.

Previously known as HaydarFB, Belugas