This website is constantly plagued by bots making both posts and comments with scam links on them, thing is, they're all 0 point accounts made shortly before the scam posts.
So an easy way to stop this, would be to add a point requirement of one point to commenting and making forums / videos (just in case the bots try to make them eventually), since the bots never actually post any planes or mods, and therefore wouldn't be able to get the points for posting spam.
[WEBSITE SUGGESTION] Add a point requirement for posting forums and comments
5,575 Korzalerke2147483647
2.0 years ago
@WNP78 @AndrewGarrison @HellFireKoder
@temporaryplanetester okay
@Bryan5 An invite to the great beyond
@temporaryplanetester What is that in my notifications : Click Here to see the image
Ok @TheFlightGuySP
@Numbers2 Several weeks ago, though I'm not sure about the specifics.
When did this start to happen time not what, when @TheFlightGuySP
@Numbers2 The V3R!FPR0 thing.
Train scam!? When did that happen? @TheFlightGuySP
But then new players can't make a I'm new to simpleplanes" forum but other then that good idea
@temporaryplanetester guess I just wasn't thinking about it too much
@32 Why not?
That's what I've been saying (never put in in the forums though)
@Dragoranos There isn't. A 0 point account can still upload planes.
There is already a limit for this on planes, if you remove the forums and comments, there will literally be no more points to post
@G2 i have the same feeling as well. imagine if you have to say something important even tho you don't swear but half of the words are redacted and because of that people wont understand what ur saying
@temporaryplanetester oh wait yeah... I didn't quite think my comment through..
@IceCraftGaming My suggestion is to add a point requirement of 1 to making:
So that you only become able to make those after uploading a plane or mod and getting it upvoted at least once, neither of which bots can upload since they require external programs to be posted (the game and Unity, respectively).
I think 30 or 6 points would be better in the case someone does end up upvoting their forums.
@G2 Edited the post, hopefully the devs see this updated version.
@temporaryplanetester Maybe, just don’t want the Roblox chat filter in sp.
For those who don’t know, Roblox chat filter replaces anything remotely inappropriate (and some benign stuff) with tags, the infamous ## ###### ##
There is actually an automod. It works off the number of reports. If something recieves and excessive amount of reports, it is removed. That's all the automod does.
@G2 That'd be a problem now that I think about it.
Filtering out specific domains would be a gigantic list and require the devs to know about the links first, so keywords like "weight loss" could be filtered instead, but then you'd have actual players getting their comments or posts removed because they wanted to mention they managed to lose some weight, which wouldn't be good.
Maybe just adding a point restriction to making comments and forums (like with upvoting), with a message saying it's done to prevent spam, could also work for getting rid of bots, should I edit the post to that instead?
Seems like a good idea, some leniency would be needed though.
Depends on if comments would be automodded as well.
This would be nice to have, especially if another train scam outbreak occurs.