@Robomo00119 Come osi mettere l'ananas sulla pizza (Io ora è alla tua porta-passo)
@FirstFish83828 uh oh i can hear the angry Italian noises from hear
@Robomo00119 pinapple…..on pizza…….?
@FirstFish83828 the cookie LOOKS good but it has the consistency of cardboard and tastes like cardboard with chocolate chips it awful but the pancake thats you (in guessing you) doesn't look half bad (but i also like Hawaiian pizza soo yeah)
Mortal, i have eaten watermelon covered in scrambled egg and chocolate sauce, i fear no food.
I feel scared. I am frozen in fear.
@Robomo00119 Si, Ed è nel mio mondo
@FirstFish83828 Äh die Franzosen?
@FirstFish83828 la vendetta non è una cosa sul mio pianeta ma noi non saimo sul mio pianeta, vero?
@Robomo00119 Aspetta... dov'è la pizza? Oh no, i francesi ce l'hanno
@FirstFish83828 si ma dopo quello che hai detto sulla mia pizza...
@Robomo00119 Ok, non ho idea di cosa significhi
@FirstFish83828 Mai!
@Robomo00119 ma all'inizio eravamo dalla stessa parte :(
@FirstFish83828 Wütende deutsche Macht muss die italiensche macht stoppen
@Robomo00119 brucia la pizza all'ananas e non lo farò
@FirstFish83828 Mi dispiace per favore non farmi del male
@Robomo00119 Oh, that doesn’t look horrible
@Robomo00119 Worms can be good if cooked right. But what is an MRE cookie?
@FirstFish83828 uhhhhhh (me wishing i went anywear besides the U.S.) how about a worm (not a gummy) and MRE cookie
@Robomo00119 mmmm stale water . Black pudding and ant larve in Mexico?
@FirstFish83828 okay how about a whip pudding with mold in it than after that stale water, MRE perk rib, peanut butter nachos with cheese
(note you own 5 bonus points for eating MREs)
@Robomo00119 MRE spaghetti with nacho sauce
@FirstFish83828 anchovie pizza, MRE perk chop, and MRE bef steak.
@Robomo00119 Come osi mettere l'ananas sulla pizza (Io ora è alla tua porta-passo)
@FirstFish83828 uh oh i can hear the angry Italian noises from hear
@Robomo00119 pinapple…..on pizza…….?
@FirstFish83828 the cookie LOOKS good but it has the consistency of cardboard and tastes like cardboard with chocolate chips it awful but the pancake thats you (in guessing you) doesn't look half bad (but i also like Hawaiian pizza soo yeah)
Mortal, i have eaten watermelon covered in scrambled egg and chocolate sauce, i fear no food.
I feel scared. I am frozen in fear.
@Robomo00119 Si, Ed è nel mio mondo
@FirstFish83828 Äh die Franzosen?
@FirstFish83828 la vendetta non è una cosa sul mio pianeta ma noi non saimo sul mio pianeta, vero?
@Robomo00119 Aspetta... dov'è la pizza? Oh no, i francesi ce l'hanno
@FirstFish83828 si ma dopo quello che hai detto sulla mia pizza...
@Robomo00119 Ok, non ho idea di cosa significhi
@FirstFish83828 Mai!
@Robomo00119 ma all'inizio eravamo dalla stessa parte :(
@FirstFish83828 Wütende deutsche Macht muss die italiensche macht stoppen
@Robomo00119 brucia la pizza all'ananas e non lo farò
@FirstFish83828 Mi dispiace per favore non farmi del male
@Robomo00119 Oh, that doesn’t look horrible
@Robomo00119 Worms can be good if cooked right. But what is an MRE cookie?
@FirstFish83828 uhhhhhh (me wishing i went anywear besides the U.S.) how about a worm (not a gummy) and MRE cookie
@Robomo00119 mmmm stale water
Black pudding and ant larve in Mexico?
@FirstFish83828 okay how about a whip pudding with mold in it than after that stale water, MRE perk rib, peanut butter nachos with cheese
(note you own 5 bonus points for eating MREs)
@Robomo00119 MRE spaghetti with nacho sauce
@FirstFish83828 anchovie pizza, MRE perk chop, and MRE bef steak.