To be honest, I didn't think I would get this far.
Thanks to everyone who has helped me achieve this!
Of course, I couldn't have done any of this without Korzalerke.
Korzalerke has helped me with almost every single one of my CC Productions builds.
Huge thanks to you, Korzalerke!
Korzalerke number one
Korzalerke number two
At the time this forum was posted, I am 1.9 years. This February, I'll have been here for two years.
So I guess this can also be my 2 year celebration as well.
If I'm going to make edible products, its going to be made cheaply.
@ColonelCanada So CC Productions is back at it again? Nice, perhaps a private jet for the president would do well cough.
Anyways how 'bout making a bottle of this? As far as I know it's good for you but tastes like fish-flavored toothpaste.
Oh yeah the Juice box...
Maybe, I could make another one.
Apple flavoured nutritional source
Thats gonna happen sooner or later.
Also, I've been thinking about yet again starting up the F-21 series. I once said it was gonna go to a Z variant, maybe it will.
@ColonelCanada The line between meme and spam is a fine one, make sure to put a decent amount of effort into joke posts (like you did with that juice box you made ages ago) or else they might get removed.
Either way you shouldn't see the plat tag as a goal, but as a nice bonus you'll get eventually. If aiming for it makes you enjoy the game less, you should probably not do so.
The only possible way I can hit platinum is if I start making meme posts.
My aircrafts WITH ZERO FLAWS can't get me there, but maybe a triangle with "amgugmus" on it 75 times can.
@ColonelCanada Well everything is based of off something else, though I do think my planes became less unique (if prettier) when I started doing that.
I'm not a very creative person though, so I'm not sure what else I could do.
Whats the fun in having to base your aircraft around real life things?
SimplePlanes is about creativity. How is it creative if its based off of something?
@ColonelCanada Hmmm... I think it has to do with the aesthetics of the planes, wing position, nose shape and all.
I usually try to base my planes on real aircraft so that they have somewhat realistic proportions, maybe try doing that when building? My planes from before I started doing that also got few upvotes (see this, it only had 6 upvotes before people started upvoting all my crap to boost me up).
Some examples of the stuff I based my planes on:
McDonnel Douglas F-15 ACTIVE = TVC-M1
Airbus A320 = K46 Jackpot
Cirrus SR22 = LA-23 SuperProp
Su-57 = XF-22A Caelum Rex
All of my recent builds don't even make it over 10 upvotes, the only reason the A-10 did was because someone else built it.
@ColonelCanada You're more than halfway there already, what reason do you have to believe it won't happen?
Fat chance.
Celebrate again when you reach 69k
One day you'll also get to platinum, will be interesting to see that.