I already know about the code for an engine to work after a certain throttle like "Throttle>.9"
But is it possible to have something not work after a certain throttle percentage
Like after 50% throttle the engine will turn off
I already know about the code for an engine to work after a certain throttle like "Throttle>.9"
But is it possible to have something not work after a certain throttle percentage
Like after 50% throttle the engine will turn off
Thanks, I didn't know that it was a simple change from using ">" to "<"
That'll work for if you just want the engine to be "ON" (i.e. 100% throttle) below a certain percentage. If you want the engine's throttle to be controllable, you'll need something like this:
(Throttle < 0.5) ? Throttle : 0
Throttle < 0.5