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Landing Gear

7,102 BeeEngineer  2.0 years ago

For landing gear How do I get them to retract after a certain amount of time and is there a simple way to do it?

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    Simple code for animating rotators and pistons that make a single movement during retraction and extension. All rotator and piston speeds at 100%.
    lerp(EXT_INPUT, RET_INPUT, inverselerp(FULL_EXT_TIME, FULL_RET_TIME, smooth(GearDown?0:ANIM_TIME,1))
    EXT_INPUT: rotator input when fully extended (usually 0)
    RET_INPUT: rotator input when fully retracted
    FULL_EXT_TIME: time of starting the retracting motion
    FULL_RET_TIME: time of ending the retracting motion
    ANIM_TIME: total time you choose for the entire gear animation (same for all gear parts)

    2.0 years ago
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    7,102 BeeEngineer

    @DankeOlli I know some basic funky trees.

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    210 DankeOlli

    Yes there is. Bur only by using funky trees (It hase some time based functions) But to give you more information I would need to know more. Do you really want to retract it after a certain amount of time no matter what??

    +1 2.0 years ago