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FT for pitch and roll

897 AnitaMaxWynn  1.9 years ago

Can i ask for help pls? Is there any other way to make a rotator not go back to default rotation after you let go of the pitch/roll??

I mean like.. if you pitch, it go up. (Rotator) and if you let go, it will go back to default... i just want to pitch and roll without it going to default rotation (rotator)

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    Delta time system (put at top of variable list)
    PREV_TIME = Time
    Fixed point integrator with clamp. The variable inside clamp(...) MUST match the setter name.
    PITCH_IN = clamp(PITCH_IN + Pitch * DELTA_TIME * MUL, MIN, MAX)
    MUL: change per second when Pitch=1
    MIN, MAX: clamp limits

    +1 1.9 years ago