Make a 32 bit version of simple planes I really need to play it on PC I only have 32 bit processor it's fine if the graphics are a bit worse and stuff
Make a 32 bit version of simple planes I really need to play it on PC I only have 32 bit processor it's fine if the graphics are a bit worse and stuff
@Ductwind589 fun fact windows 8.1 is dead support ended months ago
I remember having steam work with windows 8.1 on another computer. I don't know how you managed to think of that.
@hpgbproductions but I didn't see that it said that but thanks for the information
PC simpleplanes is 32bit
@Datcha why r u up voting my posts I'm not a celebrity
@WrightDefense I dunno
@WrightDefense but my operating system (windows 8.1) doesn't work with steam
@WrightDefense Nice
@WrightDefense how?